Welcome To Woodland
The School This is a map of the school.
Clubs There are loads of banging clubs you can go to at lunchtime and afterschool, such as Football, Netball, Rugby and Darts.
Teachers Here in Woodland there are lots of different teachers there are some nice teachers. The year heads are … Year 5 – Miss Farbon Year 6 – Miss Francis Year 7 – Mr Hardy Year 8 – Mr Rowe
School Rules No chewing gum in school No litter No chocolate or crisps at break No running down the corridor
Lunchtime At lunchtimes you can either have hot dinners or packed lunches.You have to line up and wait for your sitting to go in. You change sitting every week.
Lessons These are some of the lessons you will come across in this school… R.E, P.E, History, English, Maths, French, I.C.T, Geography, Science, Woodwork, Art, Food Tech.
Sports Day Sports Day is really fun for everyone. To take part in sports day you have to ask your house Captains.