WELCOME TO MY SCHOOL Åseda Sverige / Sweden
The age of the children: from 6 years to 13, pre school class and up to grade 6. Our school has 14 classes. We are about 19 (from 15 to 28) pupils in each class. We are 276 children. We are 21 teatchers working.
This school year for the children: Autumn term from 11/8 -09 to 18/ Spring term from 11/1-10 to 18/6 -10 This school year for the teachers : Autumn term from 19/8 -09 to 18/ Spring term from 12/1-10 to 18/6 -10 The school holidays for children: Autumn holiday - 26/10-30/ Sports holiday – 22/2-26/2 -10 Easter holiday – 29/3 –1/4-10 Days off – 30/9, 23/11, 15/3, 14/5 The school holidays for teachers: Autumn holiday - 29/10-30/ Sports holiday – 22/2-26/2 -10 Easter holiday – 29/3 –1/4-10
Daily timetable: Preschool class: mon-thu from 8,20 to 13,00. Class 1 & 2: Mon-fri from 8,20 to 13,00. Class 3: 4 days from 8,20 to 13,00 and 1 day from 8,20 to 15,15 Class 4-6: mon 8,20-13,00 tue & thu 8,20-15,15 wed. 8,20-14,00 fri. 8,20-13,00 Length of a lesson: min Lunch brake: min. All classes have got different Lunch times from 10,30 and to 12,00. Cost of a meal in €: free meal
School subjects (6 to 10 years old): -Swedish -Maths -Music -Science -English -Art -Handicraft -Sports -Geography -History -Religion -Sports Music, sports and handicraft are taught by different theachers.