Lincoln Southwest High School
Tonight’s Agenda: Meet the Counseling Center Staff The block schedule Graduation requirements Sample Freshman schedules On-line registration information A Taste of Southwest – visit with representatives from academic departments, clubs and activities.
Lincoln Southwest Counseling Center Staff A-G: Dr. Kirkland – H-K: Mr. Feeken – L-P: Mrs. Volker – Q-S: Mrs. Finkhouse – T-Z: Mr. Ernst – SPED students – A-Z: Dr. Lehn – Secretary – Mrs. Way –
5 Pd. 1 Pd. 2 Pd. 3 Pd min.
6 BLOCK SCHEDULE TIME COMPARISON 1 Term = 9 weeks 2 Terms = 18 weeks A term class covers a semester’s worth of work. Two-term classes cover a year’s worth of work.
LPS Graduation Requirements Arts: 15 credits Fine Arts: 5 Applied Arts: 5 Fine or Applied Arts: 5 Economics: 5 Economic Perspectives Economics AP Macro Economics Oral Communications: 5 Oral Communications Oral Communications D Technology: 10 Human Behavior: 5 Human Behavior Psychology AP Psychology Sociology Sociology D Families & Crises Health: 2.5 Career Ed: 2.5 PE: 7.5 Science: 20 Geoscience (Earth Science): 5 Physical Science: 5 Life Science (Biology) : 10 Social Sciences: 30 Civics/(D): 5 Geography/(D): 5 Global Studies: 5 World History/(AP): AP Human Geography US History/(AP): 10 Government & Politics/(AP): 5 English: 30 Math: 20 - Total credits Total Credits: 230
8 9 th Grade Academic Core Classes English - English 9(2 terms) – Oral Comm.(1 term) Social Studies - Civics & Geography (1 term each) Science – Geoscience and Physical Science (1 term each) –See your Middle School counselor/Science teacher if you would like to take Biology. Math – Placements are based on Middle School teacher recommendations. (2 terms)
9 th Grade Recommended Courses Fitness for Life - (1 term) Fine Arts (Dramatic/Visual Arts, Music) Applied Arts (Business, Industrial Technology, Family/Consumer Science) (1 term classes) World Language (2 terms)
10 Math and Reading Placement Information Math and Reading placements are determined by 8 th grade performance and Math/English teacher recommendations. You will need to complete Algebra in order to meet the Math Graduation Demonstration requirement. You will need to pass the Reading and Writing Graduation Demonstration Exams in order to graduate.
11 Pd. 1 Pd. 2 Pd. 3 Pd. 4 Pd. 1 Pd. 2 Pd. 3 Pd. 4 English 9 Math Social Studies Science P.E Sample Schedule Computer Application World Language Intro to Woods Oral ComBeg. Pottery Family & Consumer Sci.
SAMPLE 9 TH GRADE MUSIC SCHEDULE Zero Hour 7:15-8AM Term1 Zero Hr. Weight Tr. Term2 Zero Hr. Weight Tr. Term3 Zero Hr. Weight Tr. Term4 Zero Hr. Weight Tr. Block 1English 9 Algebra Block 2Music/FFL Music/OC Block 3Physical Science Geoscience.CivicsIntro to Geography Block 4Intro to Woods Computer App German 1
February Registration for the School Year- Class of 2014 Registration will be on-line. Counselors will be available to assist families with registration on a first come first served basis at the following times: February 18- 3:30 – 5pm (A-E) and 5-6:30pm (F-K) February 23- 3:30-5pm (L-P) and 5-6:30pm(Q-Z) The on-line registration window will be open from February 8- 26, All registration sessions will be held at: Southwest High School 7001 S. 14th Street
The Registration Process: Use the LSW Planning Guide to view course descriptions. Use the LSW Planning Guide to view course descriptions.LSW Planning Guide LSW Planning Guide Please ask for assistance if you have questions. Please ask for assistance if you have questions. Freshmen must register for 80 credits. Freshmen must register for 80 credits. Use instructions for online access to complete your registration. Use instructions for online access to complete your registration. The closing date for online registration for freshmen is midnight on Monday, February 26th. The closing date for online registration for freshmen is midnight on Monday, February 26th.
Instructions for on-line registration access: 1.Go to the Lincoln Public Schools’ web site ( 2.Click on High Schools link. 3.Click on Southwest High School link ( 4.Click on LSW On-line registration link. 5.Click on Registration for Incoming Freshmen link. 6.Click on the Direct access to the Incoming Freshmen Registration link to access the registration window.
Instructions for on-line registration access: 1.Log in using your Student ID and Docushare student password. 2.To find course listings: click on the Drop Down button and select curriculum area. 3.Click on Course Description if you need course information. 4.Click and drag the course to the Selected Courses box. Note the credit count on this box at the bottom of the screen. 5.Once you have enrolled in 80 credits, select 3-4 alternate classes and put them into the Alternate Courses box. 6.To remove a selected or alternate course, click and drag the course to the Remove Basket at the bottom of the screen. 7.When course selections have been confirmed, you will see a screen that shows your requests and LPS requirements. Please print this screen. 8.Make sure you click on the Save button; otherwise your course selections will be lost. 9.The registration window will be open from February You can log back in and make course selection changes during this time. 10.If you have questions, click on the HELP button.
LSW Departments Art Business English Family and Consumer Sciences Industrial Technology Mathematics Media Music Physical Education and Health Science Social Studies Special Education World Languages
A Taste of Southwest The best information about classes will come from the teachers that teach them. Please visit with representatives from our academic departments, clubs and organizations about LSW course offerings and activities. Counselors, faculty representatives, administrators and students will be available to answer your questions. Thank you for coming!