Standardization of innovations in Russia Dr. Mikhail Komarov Dmitry Kabanov Department of Innovations and Business in IT Faculty of Business Informatics National research university Higher School of Economics
Программная инженерия photo Introduction Economical development – technical progress. What history tells us: GSM and mobile networks – 1946 Internet – (idea by DARPA – 1957) – 1969 Social Networks – let’s say the Facebook – 2004 Mobile applications networks etc. – 2010 M. Zuckerberg: “We’re going to execute this mission to make the world connected and build value over the long-term. The bigger question that will define how we’ve done is how we do with mobile” Your mobile knows more than your relatives
Программная инженерия photo Introduction 3 An innovation is something original, new, and important - in whatever field - that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society. – [Based on Frankelius, P. (2009), Questioning two myths in innovation literature, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 40–51.] An Innovation – original and new, which increase efficiency, which is on the market, and which is as a result based on intellectual property. – [P.Drucker; OECD]. Russia is one of the most attractive countries for doing business, investing and innovating. - [Ernst & Young, 2012]
Программная инженерия photo Standardization in Russia 4 Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rosstandart’s objectives are the following: realization of functions of the national standards body; ensuring of uniformity of measurements; accreditation of certification bodies and test laboratories; supervision of technical regulations and obligatory requirements of standards; maintenance of the corresponding federal information corpus; Federal system of products codification for the federal state needs; registration of damnification cases as a result of violation of requirements; organization of corresponding contests and prizes; rendering state services in the sphere of standardization. Russian research center on standards.
Программная инженерия photo Challenges 5 Standards behind actual technological development. Too small number of standards introduced in Russia for the last 20 years. Low efficiency of introduced standards. Business would rather utilize standards than develop them. It is the state which develops standards through Rosstandard but not business. Some standards – military-based and not useful for civil activities. Culture of identifying proper standard-based product is very low.
Программная инженерия photo Innovations 6 Governmental policy is a base for innovations in Russia. “Both President Vladimir Putin and President-elect Dmitry Medvedev have stressed the importance of innovation in developing Russia’s economy. Medvedev has underlined the strategic role of innovation by listing it as one of the four priorities in economic policy, the others being infrastructure, investment and institutions.” – [Forbes (2008),
Программная инженерия photo Innovations 7 Russian state and private incubators, accelerators and technology parks were built. Russian Silicon Valley – Skolkovo – was introduced. Russian venture capitalists and business-angels eco-system was built. Fabrication laboratories were introduced in Russia. Young (up to 14 y.o) innovators will be issued with intellectual property for the projects, ideas, products etc.
Программная инженерия photo Current situation 8 Russian center for standardization of innovations was announced in November, 2012 during the Open Innovations Forum in Moscow (ROSNANO (nanotechnologies), Rosstandard and Skolkovo Foundation). Manufacturing in China without quality control and any certifications. Not able to offer stable quality serial production to the local market. Not able to offer products to Europe as it is not certified and procedures are not clear for SMEs. Low-quality technological transfer. Seminars on the topics of importance were introduced by many technological parks. Russian union of industrial entrepreneurs introduced tax-oriented program (reduced taxes) depending on the standardization process involvement.
Программная инженерия photo Local solution? 9 Crowd-based standardization approach where SMEs should be involved. Customer educational programs or social advertisement showing that standardization is very sufficient for the products and services in order to guarantee the quality. Simplification of international and European standards utilization which comes from the local unified application and support from the Rosstandard. Standards improvements and new requirements in terms of efficiency resources utilization, health\human being involvement and influence on the behavior (through research projects and particular requirements for standard implementation). Not just technical aspects. Strong connection of IP rights and existing standards or the other way (would help to introduce new standards coming at the same time as innovations).
Программная инженерия photo Energy harvesting and efficiency? 10 Only lack of energy will be a problem soon. Otherwise we would have all of these.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Dr. Mikhail Komarov