T HE V IRTUAL W ATCH P ARTY AS A S ECOND -S CREEN E XPERIENCE Melissa Roadman & Adam Smith Convergence Capstone Fall 2012
G OALS Build a second-screen experience to complement the work of Project OpenVault. Determine how effectively the experience was in engaging visitors. Analyze what potential this form of a second- screen experience has in the future.
R ESEARCH What are people doing with mobile devices and television? 85% of tablet users use the device while watching TV (Forrester Research) 30% of time spent on tablet is in front of the TV (Nielsen) 62% of people use social media while watching TV 67% use some mobile device while watching TV (Ericsson) 37% are engaging in content related to TV program watching (Viaccess-Orca)
T HE P ROJECT VirtualWatchParty.com Optimized for mobile platforms Chat room for visitors to discuss issues and results of the 2012 election with other mid-Missourians VIP room where visitors could chat and discuss with scholars, politicians and policy experts Provide information via connections to the Missourian ’s unlocked voter’s guide Beta Testing Presidential Debate #3
Promoted by KOMU, KBIA and the Missourian
W HAT W E F OUND 1,623 unique visitors on November 6 and 7 2,559 pageviews 51 users signed into the page via Twitter Allowed them to chat in the room Roughly half did so 9.5% of our visitors were engaged (if engaged is considered spending longer than 3 minutes) Almost all of those engaged spent between 10 and 30 minutes on the site Accounted for more than 25% of total page views
Where they came from to the site 1. KOMU.com – most unique visitors 2. ColumbiaMissourian.com 3. KBIA.org 4. Facebook – most engaged visitors (spent 3+ min.) 5. Facebook Mobile
W HAT W E F OUND Where they came from (geography)
W HAT W E F OUND Where they came from (geography) Most unique visitors: Boone County Most engaged visitors: St. Charles
W HAT W E F OUND How people were accessing the party Chart 5
W HAT W E F OUND Primary Research Survey on the party site and sent to attendees afterwards Asked what visitors: What was enjoyed most: “Commentary from students.” “The chance to interact with others.” “I liked the live chat idea!” What can be improved: “I wish that the chat experience would have some kind of sound or more of a visual element to keep me engaged…” “It would be cool if the person’s photo could pop up next to their Twitter handle.” “There were some connectivity issues with Internet Explorer.”
80% were watching TV 70% visiting news websites 60% using social media Corresponds closely to secondary research
M OVING F ORWARD As an exercise in potential of second-screen experiences for mobile, data and participation are unclear. There is an interest and an audience for second- screen experiences. The people who chose to engage stayed with it. Shows potential for events like the Academy Awards, political debates and sporting events.
M OVING F ORWARD Changes: Twitter- retweeting and own feed Mobile-native Conversation Prompts Fewer rooms See who is signed in More pronounced presence of VIPs Technical issues- links, browsers, design Other ways to sign in