Spud Sculpting! Using the humble potato, you are to sculpt: -Carve in holes -Slice, dice and re-assemble -Angle off curves -Mash & Make You will need cocktail sticks to join pieces. Draw, Photo & Eat your creations Spud Sculpting! Using the humble potato, you are to sculpt: -Carve in holes -Slice, dice and re-assemble -Angle off curves -Mash & Make You will need cocktail sticks to join pieces. Draw, Photo & Eat your creations Ice-in! Use your freezer at home to produce ice cubes, blocks, etc… from which you can create sculptural work. E.g. Stack ice cubes & photo/film these melting Place natural items or add food dyes/colouring in water before freezing (petals, leaves, berries, etc…) Stick lollies with twigs – use a plastic cup, fill with water, stick in a twig or two & freeze. Photo your ideas Ice-in! Use your freezer at home to produce ice cubes, blocks, etc… from which you can create sculptural work. E.g. Stack ice cubes & photo/film these melting Place natural items or add food dyes/colouring in water before freezing (petals, leaves, berries, etc…) Stick lollies with twigs – use a plastic cup, fill with water, stick in a twig or two & freeze. Photo your ideas The Great Banana Skin Sculpt-off! Peel banana(s) Twist & arrange it into different forms Draw from different angles Photo your skin sculptures over a few days Try drying them out Warning – do not eat more than 6 in one day! The Great Banana Skin Sculpt-off! Peel banana(s) Twist & arrange it into different forms Draw from different angles Photo your skin sculptures over a few days Try drying them out Warning – do not eat more than 6 in one day! Peelings……whoooaaaa, Peelings! Use slices, skins & peelings of fruit &/or veg to make various artistic masterpieces. E.g. Slice orange & dry out on a radiator – sew them together to make a natural stained glass window effect Draw, photo & compost &/OR You must be Nuts! Use nuts, fruit stones &/or pips to do the same Peelings……whoooaaaa, Peelings! Use slices, skins & peelings of fruit &/or veg to make various artistic masterpieces. E.g. Slice orange & dry out on a radiator – sew them together to make a natural stained glass window effect Draw, photo & compost &/OR You must be Nuts! Use nuts, fruit stones &/or pips to do the same All Wrapped Up! Wrap up objects (Natural or Manmade) in: Fabric Paper Wool String Tights Cling Film Foil Draw & Photo as you go All Wrapped Up! Wrap up objects (Natural or Manmade) in: Fabric Paper Wool String Tights Cling Film Foil Draw & Photo as you go Clean Carves! Buy some bars of soap (Imperial Leather is a good one for soap carving) Carve using various tools & implements Create different textured surfaces by pressing in &/or rubbing over with different objects/materials/artefacts E.g. Cheese grater Concrete slab Dining fork Draw, paint, photo & wash your hands on your sculptures Clean Carves! Buy some bars of soap (Imperial Leather is a good one for soap carving) Carve using various tools & implements Create different textured surfaces by pressing in &/or rubbing over with different objects/materials/artefacts E.g. Cheese grater Concrete slab Dining fork Draw, paint, photo & wash your hands on your sculptures Chicken Carcass Challenge! Photo & Draw your chicken before it goes in the oven (or before that if you have access to live ones!). After devouring the meat – Photo & Draw your chicken carcass remains. If you want to go one step beyond, boil & clean a range of the bones to create simple, small sculpture ideas. Chicken Carcass Challenge! Photo & Draw your chicken before it goes in the oven (or before that if you have access to live ones!). After devouring the meat – Photo & Draw your chicken carcass remains. If you want to go one step beyond, boil & clean a range of the bones to create simple, small sculpture ideas. Wax 4 Candles! Using candles and / or wax crayons (but not ear wax!) to: Draw, carve, create, join, melt, light, burn, cast, fuse, run, pour, mould, break, bend, encase, entomb, surround, etc, etc Draw, Photo &/or Film your waxing (not your waning!) Wax 4 Candles! Using candles and / or wax crayons (but not ear wax!) to: Draw, carve, create, join, melt, light, burn, cast, fuse, run, pour, mould, break, bend, encase, entomb, surround, etc, etc Draw, Photo &/or Film your waxing (not your waning!) Plughole Patterns! After your servants have washed up……. Run the tap and draw the flowing water Pour paint, dye, food colouring down the plughole of a sink, basin or bath Photo, film & take ‘prints’ with different papers Sculpt with bubbles! Watch out for spiders! Plughole Patterns! After your servants have washed up……. Run the tap and draw the flowing water Pour paint, dye, food colouring down the plughole of a sink, basin or bath Photo, film & take ‘prints’ with different papers Sculpt with bubbles! Watch out for spiders! 100% natural? Using natural objects, materials, etc… create 2D &/or 3D studies. Leaves Grass, straw, hay, Branches, twigs, sticks Stones, pebbles, Soil, Feathers, Bones. Join, attach, glue, weave, split, paint with/on, print from/on, burn, sculpt, trail, screw, lash, drill. Create: Circles, spirals, waves, structures, hangings, mobiles, etc… 100% natural? Using natural objects, materials, etc… create 2D &/or 3D studies. Leaves Grass, straw, hay, Branches, twigs, sticks Stones, pebbles, Soil, Feathers, Bones. Join, attach, glue, weave, split, paint with/on, print from/on, burn, sculpt, trail, screw, lash, drill. Create: Circles, spirals, waves, structures, hangings, mobiles, etc… RESEARCH & RESPOND Maori Tattoos Find pictures of the work (at least 5). Annotate these pictures – write about materials used, influences of artists, how work relates to organic forms, etc… Draw, collage, extend, recreate, etc… a section of one of these works RESEARCH & RESPOND Maori Tattoos Find pictures of the work (at least 5). Annotate these pictures – write about materials used, influences of artists, how work relates to organic forms, etc… Draw, collage, extend, recreate, etc… a section of one of these works RESEARCH & RESPOND Hiroshige Find pictures of the work (at least 5). Annotate these pictures – write about materials used, influences of artists, how work relates to organic forms,, etc… Draw, collage, extend, recreate, etc… a section of one of these works RESEARCH & RESPOND Hiroshige Find pictures of the work (at least 5). Annotate these pictures – write about materials used, influences of artists, how work relates to organic forms,, etc… Draw, collage, extend, recreate, etc… a section of one of these works ORGANIC FORMS ‘CHOOSE’ I.S SHEET: Choose 8 out of 12 to complete. Review in class every other week.