Home School times Subjects Boys uniform/P.E Girls uniform/P.E Rules College facilities Vivo Show my homework GCSE Results Contact us Houses
Home Ash Bay Elm Yew Mrs Hughes Mr O'Connor Mr Collins Mrs O'Dowd
School times Home 8:40 First lesson starts 9:40 Second lesson starts 10:40-11:00 Guidance 11:00-11:20 Break 11:20-12:20 Third lesson 12:20-1:20 Fourth lesson 1:20-2:00 Lunch 2:00-3:00 Fifth lesson 3:00- End of day
Subjects Home Year 7 English Maths Science P.E Art Textiles/food Drama Music History Geography PSHE R.E Year 8 English Maths Science P.E Art Textiles/food Drama Music History Geography PSHE R.E Year 9 English Maths Science P.E Choices Art, drama, music (pick two) History or Geography Textiles or Food Drama or music PSHE R.E Year 10&11 English Maths Science P.E Choices History, Geography or R.E. BTEC media, BTEC sport, BTEC Travel and tourism. GCSE drama or GSCE art Food or textiles.
Boys uniform/P.E Home Blazer Tie White blouse Black trousers Black or white socks Plain black school shoes (must be polish able.) e.g. School P.E top School P.E trousers or School P.E shorts Trainers School P.E fleece (optional) SWSC socks
Girls uniform/P.E Home Blazer Tie White blouse Black trousers Black skirt Black or white socks Plain black school shoes (must be polish able.) e.g. School P.E top School P.E trousers or School P.E shorts Trainers School P.E fleece (optional) SWSC socks
Rules Home If you misbehave then you will be given a level 1, if you carry on disrupting the class in anyway then you will be given a level 2,3 then 4. A level 3 is a 15 minute detention and a level 4 means you get a 30 minute detention and you get sent to another classroom for the rest of that lesson.
College facilities Home Fitness suite Sports halls Theatre Drama class rooms Music rooms Practise rooms (music) Computer rooms 2 open access areas (one in lower school, one in upper.) Art classrooms Science classrooms Normal classrooms Cooking classrooms Textiles classrooms Astro Field Mugga
Vivo Home Vivo is a website where teachers can reward their students with ‘vivos’. The website has a shop with a variety of different items to buy with your vivos. Teachers have a maximum of 300 vivos to give out every week.
Show my homework Home Show my homework is a new website where students can now access their homework. The school introduced this website because students always said they had lost their homework. It’s so easy to access and available 24/7, you can even download it on your phone!
GCSE results Home
Contact us Home Website: Address: Smith’s Wood Sports College Windward Way Smith’s Wood Birmingham B36 0UE Telephone: Fax: