Welcome to AP Human Geography “The most important class you will ever take!” Pietruszka
What is AP? Through AP's college-level courses and exams, you can earn college credit and advanced placement, stand out in the admission process, and learn from some of the most skilled, dedicated, and inspiring teachers in the world. AP courses can help you acquire the skills and habits you'll need to be successful in college. You'll improve your writing skills, sharpen your problem-solving abilities, and develop time management skills, discipline, and study habits. AP students are the best of the best, both at Harlan and across the U.S.
The AP Exam Tuesday May 13 th, 2014 Graded on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). Need a 3, 4, or 5 to receive college credit. AP HG Exam Results ( ) 2011: 1 three, 3 twos 2012: 1 four, 3 threes, 8 twos 2013: 6 threes, 6 twos 2014: ?????
AP On Your Transcript In AP A= 6.0 B= 5.0 C= 4.0 D=1.0 F= 0.0
Human who? Human Geography The study of where countries, oceans, rivers, and mountains are? Not quite. The study of how humans use and interact with the Earth. That’s better.
Major Topics Covered Basics of Geography Population Migration Culture (language, religion, ethnicity) Political Geography Development Agriculture Industry Urban Geography Resources
Class Components: Reading Guides Guided questions related to textbook reading assignments. Two reading guides per chapter Due weekly
Class Components: Vocabulary Vocabulary is an extremely important part of this AP course. You will be assigned new vocabulary words each week. Vocabulary lists will be assigned each week. Weekly vocab quiz (50 pts)
Class Components: In-class activities These activities help reinforce main ideas from the textbook. Power Points Articles Videos Internet activities/ research Application exercises
Class Components: Bell-ringers To be completed upon arrival in class Will usually be AP style questions related to content. We will not only review content but also learn how to break apart and analyze AP style questions.
Class Components: Quizzes and Exams Quizzes will be held weekly and will review information from the week’s reading, lecture, and activities. Exams will be held at the end of each unit. Both quizzes and exams will be composed AP style questions. Will count for a high % of overall grade
Class Components: Writing In addition to exams, we will work on answering Free Response Questions (FRQ’s) throughout the school year. We will look at released questions from previous years AP Exams, as well as the rubrics used to grade them.
Class Components: Current Events We will discuss a number of current event issues, including relevant articles and video clips.
Class Components: Review Sessions These are usually held after school the day before an exam. Not mandatory, but very helpful. Food : )
Your Responsibilities To push yourself to achieve. Miss no more than 5 class periods all school year. Come to class prepared every day…NO EXCUSES! Complete all assignments on time Prepare adequately for all quizzes and exams. Make AP a top priority.
My Responsibilities To push you to achieve To plan relevant and informative lessons To support and guide you in your study of Human Geography
A note on cheating, copying, and work ethic It will get you nowhere. You might get 50 pts. for the reading guide, but you will fail the 200 pt. exam. You do the math….cheating doesn’t add up!
The biggest disappointment… Everyone in this class is capable of getting a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Exam. However some students… Miss too much class Are disruptive Cut corners Need extra help but don’t seek it out Give up when pushed hard Get too wrapped up in the social aspects of school and put aside academics DON’T BE THAT STUDENT! YOU CAN DO IT!