Student Support and Guidance System Form tutors:Mr Barber (8A) Miss Jones (8B) Miss Miles (8C) Mr Hirst (8D) Dr Chipperfield (8E) KS3 Achievement LeaderMrs Hill KS3 Co-ordinatorMrs Jowett Assistant HeadteacherMr Coulson (Years 7-11) Deputy Headteacher Mr Brownlie (Curriculum)
High Standards and Expectations
Assessments and exams Unit assessments on-going throughout the year End of year 8 exams: w/c 5 th May Opportunity to demonstrate the levels they have reached in KS3 Provides information on starting points for GCSE subjects (including setting in English and mathematics Practice for ‘real thing’ Importance of planned revision
Progress Reporting Autumn w/c 11 th November 2013 – progress update Tuesday 19 th November 2013 – Meet the Tutor Day Spring w/c 17 th February 2014 – progress update Wednesday 19 th February 2014 – Parents’ Evening Summer w/c 30 th June – progress update and written report
Targets and Aspirations What are they? The targets are challenging and aspirational but are based on realistic expectations The targets are based on what an average student should achieve Is Crossley Heath an average school? How and when are they set? Set last year for current Y8 based on in school data and MidYIS How should you discuss targets with your child?
Other Dates Meet the Tutor Day Tuesday 19 th November 2013 Opportunity to meet tutor to discuss child’s progress in general terms Options Evening Tuesday 11 th February 2014 Opportunity to meet subject leaders and discuss GCSE courses
The Option Process The Curriculum for Year 9 students from September 2013 English Mathematics Science ICT / Computing Sport / PE PHSCE Economics Art Music PE Drama Geography History Religious Studies French German Spanish Chinese Design Technology Geology
The Guided Choice Subjects 4 Choices Humanities Geography History Religious Studies* Foreign Languages French German Spanish Chinese 2 Open Options Design Technology Electronics Food Graphics Resistant Materials Textiles Creative / Performance Art Drama Music Physical Education Additional Humanity History / Geography / RS Geology Additional MFL French / German / Spanish / Chinese
Y8 September GCSE Reform This year group will be the first to sit some of the new GCSEs. The new GCSEs will be significantly different from the previous GCSEs (consultation on content and assessment has just finished and awaiting more detail from DfE / Ofqual) but likely to feature the following: The reformed GCSEs will be linear and assessed in the main by written examination, probably without tiering and with restricted use of exam aids. The grading structure is likely to change (1-8 instead of A*-G) Subjects first to be reformed (September 2015): English (Lang and Lit), Maths, Sciences Geography, History? Other subjects to follow in 2016
Careers Education at CHS Mrs Lea Careers Education Co-ordinator
Careers at Crossley Heath School The Team: Liz Hirst - We have a dedicated Careers Adviser from C&K Careers who is available in school 1.5 days a week. She is able to answer career related questions and find information for students. Appointments to talk to Liz can be made by all students by signing up on the diary pages on the door of the Careers Room (A37). Parents can make appointments to speak to Liz after school on Monday, or on the y8 options evenings. Mrs Lea – I am based in the careers room at lunchtime on Thursday or after 3.30 pm most evenings. Form tutors are also available to support any careers needs. Miss Harris – Sixth form enrichment. Mr Coote – University / UCAS applications. Mrs Fisher – Careers planning support.
Supporting your Child The school provides Careers resources across all age groups to help students. We provide support in key areas : Enrichment Work Experience Writing a personal statement and CV Apprenticeships Preparation for application to University through the Progression Module Interview coaching UCAS applications
Supporting your Child Careers in Y8 Values and decisions. Options. Kudos and Careerscape.
Careers at KS4 Year 9 Students play the ‘Be Real’ game which involves a comprehensive series of activities where students role-play as single adults in occupational roles. Year 10 & 11 Careers is delivered through the PSHCE days. Work experience. Visiting speakers.
Where can I get more careers information? A dedicated Careers website, The Careers Zone, is available on the school’s VLE. It includes help for students of all age groups with a variety of Careers resources and links. A page on our website gives parents more information about the careers experience for students. There are also a large number of resources available in our LRC, where Mr Amdurer can offer help and support. Mrs P Lea Careers Coordinator.
Supporting Your Child Please Tell us about any issues by contacting tutor or AL Check the planner and be encouraging with homework Discuss targets and assessment grades with your child. If they are not on target, do they know how to rectify the situation? Encourage your son/daughter to take responsibility for their learning.
Supporting the School Please ensure you let us know if your child is absent on a school day. Please do not request leave of absence for holidays during term time. Please avoid using the school driveways and car parks for dropping off and picking up at the start and end of the school day (other than in exceptional circumstances). Please avoid parking in or very near areas designated for school buses Please let us know of any changes to medical conditions or medications that affect the student in school Please ensure that the school has up to date contact details in case we need to contact you quickly. Thank You
Financial Support We at CHGS recognise that there are significant expenses associated with school life: Uniform and specialised sports kit Classroom equipment and ICT access Lunches Trips and Visits University application fees The government makes financial support available via the Free School Meals and Pupil Premium initiatives (apply through school) Further financial support is available to students of Crossley Heath as required. For information about financial support please contact Mrs. L. Sharples, PA to the Head teacher. All enquires will be treated in the strictest confidence:
Trips and Visits in Y8 Yorkshire Sculpture Park Art Trip September 2013, £8 Rugby trip to Wales April 2014, c£350-£400 Geography Trip to Hebden Bridge June/July 2014
Social events this term CHA Race Night Friday 27 th September CHA Craft Fair Saturday 16 th November House Drama Final Tuesday 3 rd December Carol Service Thursday 19 th December CHA Quiz NightFriday 7 th February
Thank you for coming All information, including dates, will be on website Keep us informed of any changes to contact details, issues that may affect your child’s learning or school experience Any questions? – please see us after the presentation