Welcome to Travel and Tourism Geography
Today’s Agenda Introductions Expectations “Introduction to Travel and Tourism Activity” Power point – Why do people travel? Diagnostic Test
Mr Hallahan Welcome to Geography. I am excited to have the opportunity and privilege to teach you this year. This is my ninth year at Doyle. Wow time flies!
Mr Hallahan Welcome to Geography. I am excited to have the opportunity and privilege to teach you this year. This is my ninth year at Doyle. Wow time flies! This past July I was a student taking a computer course. We also worked on our back yard.
Routines/Procedures Classroom Expectations ClassNet Uniform expectations Use of Hall Pass Dismissal of class Use of Social Media and text messaging/ Confidentiality, privacy and protecting yourself Attendance Emergency Procedures
Geography Expectations As a responsible learner, the following expectations need to be adhered to by all students. Please read and sign to acknowledge that you understand and will strive to uphold these expectations on a daily basis. 1. I will arrive on time with a positive attitude and have all homework completed. 2. I will come to class in proper Doyle uniform. 3. I will be responsible for my learning and accept the consequences of inappropriate actions. 4. I will take my assigned seat immediately upon arrival to class and be ready to work. I will remain in my seat until dismissed. 5. I will come to class prepared. The following materials are required;
Geography Expectations 3-ring binder pencil, calculator notes/readings/handouts ruler paper eraser textbook pen (blue or black, and red) agenda
Geography Expectations 6. I understand that notes are to be neatly written on lined loose-leaf paper. The date and title needs to appear at the top of each page. All titles need to be underlined with a ruler. 7. I will not be allowed to leave the classroom once the class begins, except for emergencies. Please be advised that abuse of this privilege will result in it being revoked. 8. I understand that if I am late/absent for a class, it is my responsibility to find out what work has been missed and complete on my own time. Three (3) lates results in a lunch detention. Five (5) lates results in a phone call home. Please review the late policy for further consequences beyond 5 lates. 9. I understand that all work must be completed individually, unless otherwise stated. All work that is to be collected from a previous day will be collected at the beginning of the period. 10. I understand that homework will be randomly checked, and I understand that I am expected to have my work completed with me in class.
Geography Expectations 11. I understand that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that assignments are submitted on the due date. If special circumstances prevent a student from meeting a deadline, he or she should speak to the teacher before the due date. Late assignments result in a Request to Achieve form being completed. If the assignment isn’t handed in on the new due date, then late assignments will be subject to a deduction of 1/3 of a level per day (Level 3+ becomes a Level 3) 12. I understand that missed tests due to a valid reason will be written on the first day I return to school. 13. I have read, understand, and accept the rules and regulations within the student agenda, including the section on plagiarism. Cheating automatically results in zero for all parties involved. Notification letters will be forwarded to Parent/Guardian, Guidance and Administration. 14. I understand that no electronic devices will be allowed in the classroom. Any electronic device brought to class will be given to school administration.
Important Dates Field trips International Plowing Match Thursday September 20 th, 2012
Important Dates Toronto – downtown walking tour. Thursday November 29 th