Shelley Keats & Romantic odes
Percy Bysshe Shelley Aug 4,1792 – July 8, 1822
Shelley Bio well educated, politically radical bullied as a child, against oppression as an adult expelled from oxford for writing “the necessity of atheism” with friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg married Harriet Westbrook, friend of his sisters. Moved to Dublin, but his politically pamphlets were not much in favor.
Shelley bio After 4 years of marriage (and 2 kids), he feel in love with Mary Godwin, 16 year old. Ran off with Mary and her sister Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein Saw the poet as a reforming prophet capable of energizing human spirit by showing it perfect, eternal truth Symbolic of youthful rebellion
Ode to West Wind What was it inspired by? How does Shelley describe the wind? How is this significant? What does he compare to the wind? Inspired by autumn storm – poet contemplates how nature effects intellect. Describes it as a “destroyer” and “preserver” – regenerative process. Compared to his poetry that can regenerate humanity.
Ode to West Wind Terza rima Personification How many lines? What is the rhyme scheme? What is the effect of this format? Personification Where does it exist in the poem? What is its effect? TR = 14 lines divided into four triplets and a concluding couplet. – aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee – focuses reader on the final lines. Address the wind – makes it seem like the wind can shape landscape and human mans and attitudes.
Ode to West Wind What three major I mages demonstrate how the West Wind effect the world? What is the theme then? 1. wave, leaf, cloud 2. “as the peot’s personal despair and his hopes for social renewal – “in iamges drawn from the seasonal cycle”
Ozymandias Egyptian King Ramses II (died 1234 BCE) Italian sonnet How many lines? What format? What is the traditional rhyme scheme? What is the rhyme scheme in Ozymandias? What is the effect of this? What is the theme? 14 lines – opening octave sets up problem, sestet that offers resolution Abba, abba, cde, cde Abab, acdc, ece, fef Power is fleeting – decays like the tomb.
Keats bio Moorsfield, London At 15, his mom died of tb, guardian Richard Abbey apothecary (historical name for a medical practicioner who formulated and dispensed medicine). Wanted to be a poet but Abeey wouldn’t approve, so became apothecary and even studied to be a surgeon. When he was 21 he was free of Abbey and became a full time writer. Got TB. Died at age 26
Homework Keats ‘Ode to Grecian Urn” and ‘ode to Nightingale” Byron “The Walks in Beauty” Wednesday you will create a review sheet for Romanticism; Thursday we will review; Friday you will have your Romanticism test
Romantic ode Extra Credit If you write a poem following the format of one of the romantic odes, due Monday, you will receive an extra credit quiz. The format was be explicitly followed in order to receive credit.
Odes - form Lengthy Serious in subject matter Elevated in its diction and style Elaborate in its stanzaic structure
Odes – subject matter Celebratory About a particular subject or person An Ode to something is written as address with second person reference (you) An Ode on something is more detached and written with 3rd person reference to the subject (it, he, she)
Green/Pindaric Ode Patterned after movements of the chorus in Greek Drama Three stanza structure that is repeated throughout the poem STROPHE – set meter and rhyme scheme. ANTISTROPHE – same as the strophe EPODE – has a different meter and rhyme scheme As the poem is repeated, the epodes are all the same
Horatian/Roman ode Metrical & rhyme scheme that is the same in all three stanzas Is more personal Horace (roman poet) wrote them to be said and not sung
Romantic Ode An outgrowth of the Roman/Horatian ode 30-200 lines Meditates progressively on an object or condition (it can also address it)
Romantic Ode Three major requirements The description of a particularized outer natural scene An extended meditation, which that original scene prompts, and that focuses on a specific problem (personal and/or universal) An insight or vision, which signals a return to the original scene with a new perspective because of the insight.