Year 7 Guidance Evening September 2014. Purpose of the Evening To explain our setting process. To explain how we use the information we have been given.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 7 Guidance Evening September 2014

Purpose of the Evening To explain our setting process. To explain how we use the information we have been given about your child. To highlight some key dates when you should receive more information from us. To give you some advice about how you can help your child succeed in Year 7 and beyond. To explain the pastoral care and initiatives which been introduced.

How are the sets arranged in Year 7? There are two populations in Year 7: A and B. There are 3 sets in each population(band).

Setting July 2014 KS2 raw scores in English and Maths used to initially set all pupils. Pupils could be in a different set for Maths. September 2014 CAT (Cognitive Ability Tests) results allow us to look more closely at the accuracy of the sets and discuss any anomalies. December 2014 All pupils have completed a full term of work and all subject areas submit a sub- level for each pupil. We now use KS2 scores, CAT scores and subject sub-levels to review all the sets. It is inevitable that there will be changes. June 2015 and beyond Setting is reviewed after a full year of work and sets are altered for September Set moves also take place three more times in KS3; January Year 8, July Year 8 (for September) and January of Year 9.

Why do we review sets? All classes cover the same curriculum and have the same curriculum opportunities, it is just delivered at a different PACE. Some pupils may need to work on more challenging tasks or at a faster pace. Some pupils may not be coping with the pace and difficulty of the set they are in. This can damage confidence and slow down progress. Some pupils may need the additional support that can be provided in a smaller class. We try very hard to refine sets and ensure that the learning experience is positive for every pupil. The Head of Department is the first point of contact for any queries including setting issues.

Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) These are taken by all Year 7 pupils early in their first term. There are four areas – Verbal, Quantitative, Non Verbal and Spatial which roughly relate to Literacy, Numeracy and Flexibility of Thinking. We use the separate scores to help us identify any barriers to learning.

How do we ensure your child is making the expected Level of Progress? All Year 7 pupils will receive a End of Year 7 Target Level for every subject in school by December. This Target Level is set to ensure that each child will achieve at least 2 sub-levels progress each year (national expectation). For example:

Progress In Year 7: Intervention Using the EY7 target levels, Year 7 pupil progress is checked by either/or Tutors, Head of Year, Head of Intervention, SENCo and Mrs Rigby. Any pupil we feel is not on track to meet their End of Year Target will receive tailored intervention to help them keep up. This intervention could mean being withdrawn from other classes for literacy or numeracy support or may mean a referral to extra study support - it all depends on the individual and what they need at that time. Parents are informed about the support their child will receive and will also be encouraged to work at home with their child to compliment the extra support in school. Keep up not catch up.

How will I be informed about my child’s progress in school? Every year there will be a Guidance Evening. We will report to you three times a year. Reports tell you how an individual is progressing towards their targets but not whether they are in the right set. Interim Report (1) w/c 24 November Interim Report (2) w/c 9 February Full reports (July) are presented as both grades and a written explanation of progress towards EY7 Target Grade. Parents Evening is on Thursday 8 th January 2015.

Subject Class Teacher Target PredictedScore English 2 sub-levels per year from KS2 levels Mathematics Science Based on KS2 average points Religious Education French German Geography History ICT Subject Carousel Drama, Land Based Studies, Product Design, Food & Nutrition – end of carousel PE Baseline assessment used with KS2 SATs & CATs Music Baseline assessment used with KS2 SATs & CATs – targets set at Christmas Art HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Individual Pupil Tracking Report Anne Uther 7Y Attendance 99.1%

How can I help my child succeed at high school?

Encourage a Growth Mindset


Impact on the students Pupil progress data shows that those students who demonstrate growth mind-set characteristics radically out-perform other students by as much as 4 grades, even though their CAT tests show they have similar raw intelligence.

Growth mind-set in action  Reading regularly  Arriving to lessons well-prepared  Maintaining excellent attendance  Home learning completed on time and to a high standard  Asking questions to improve understanding  Sharing ideas with others  Respond to teacher’s feedback in books and lessons  Never waste time talking in lessons  Find out how other people have achieved high marks  Reflect on success: What was it that made you succeed?

ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)

Book Information Labels Quiz No Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald BL: 4.8 Points 5.0 Points relates to the length of the book Book Level relates to difficulty of the book

Quiz No Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald BL: 4.8 Points 5.0

Intervention Reading Boxes Initially any pupil with reading age below 9.9 Reading boxes will address the gap between decoding skills and comprehension ability. Ask literal and critical questions Allow for totally individual learning.

Contributing Factors to Success Behaviour in class Quiet environment for homework Set times for home learning Organisation/use of homework planner Good attendance (Av.97%) Holidays during set holiday periods Diet Involvement in extra- curricular activities Positive friendship groups Balanced social life Leisure time Healthy lifestyle/Exercise Sensible sleep patterns Parental support of pupil’s learning Parental support of school

Our continued partnership Well being, spiritual growth and academic progress of each child Parents/ Carers Child Teachers/ Staff

Initiatives and events since September Extra-curricular activities Guardian Angels/Paired Reading Vivo Miles awards Tutor Representative elections Worship Holy Cross Feast Day Year 7 Retreats

European Day of Languages

Coming up soon….. Open Evening Tutor group led assemblies School Council elections School Council meeting Interim Reports Personal Target setting Parents’ Evening January 8 th 2015