Air Planes Chris Lynch
History First ever flight was recorded in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903. The two men that we able to complete this task were Wilbur and Orville Wright. The Wright Brothers had two tests flights that resulted in failure because they were not controllable and didn’t provide enough lift to get off the ground. More setbacks that the Wright Brothers had to deal with were the propeller shafts and the weather.
First Airplane Designed by the Wright Brothers in 1903 in Kitty Rock North Carolina
Positive Effect Airplanes make it easier for people to travel. Safe way to travel long distances. Quick way to travel from one place to another. Lets people see countries that they have never seen before. It’s a way that different cultures can be seen and learned. Allows leaders of countries to be able to communicate and have conferences. Helps the process of discussing buisness. Makes it easier for a client to travel.
Negative Effect Made wars more violent and deadly. Airplanes were used in national disasters such as the events that occurred on September 11,2001. Responsible for a great number of deaths throughout past wars. Are not 100% guaranteed to complete the flight. There have been many past instances of plane crashes and unexpected problems.
Cost Average cost of a 747 Boeing Commercial airplane is around 165 million dollars. Business or personal jets are around 35 million dollars. An average plane ticket from Boston to Florida is close to 200 dollars round trip. A flight from California to Miami in a private Jet can cost 10,000 dollars to 15,000 dollars.
Advances First airplane was a single engine, one seat plane that didn’t have a long flight time. No awaydays, planes have multiple engines and can seat hundreds of people. The gas fuel tanks on an average commercial plane can hold a large amount of fuel In a 10 hour flight, a plane can burn through 36,000 gallons of fuel. That’s 5 gallons per fuel mile.
Future The future of airplanes brings a safer, faster, smarter and stronger way to fly an airplane. With new technology, flying may one day be as easy as driving a car. NASA is starting to take their plans and build their products of the future. They are taking their new models and running them through wind tunnels and test benches. NASA has been reported saying that in the near future, there will be a release of PAV’s which stands for Personal Air Vehicles.
New Technology Future of Airplanes Jerry Carlow’s joined wing design Very precise and fast
Problems A major problem that can occur in an aircraft is wing failure. Corrosion is a common problem in aging aircrafts. If corrosion spreads throughout the airplane, most likely the airplane will be striped down to fix the problem. On December 19, 2005 there was a disaster where an airplane crashed into the open water. It was found out that there was an explosion in the wing due to a small crack. Structural failure is the cause for most airplane crashes.
Security Security provides a safe environment for aircrafts and all passengers both inside and outside of the plane. Security checkpoints are zones that everyone has to go through before boarding the plane. Flaws in security in the past have left tragedy and disaster. Any threats are immediately taken care of so things don’t get out of hand.
Use Commercial planes provide transportation for passengers from state to state and from country to country. Private jets are smaller planes that are a more expensive way to travel. Blimps are seen at local sporting events covering footage. Aircrafts used to transport people who are in danger or in need of a hospital.
Wars The first war to use air crafts was in World War I Since the first world war, almost every war after has used airplanes. Aircrafts transport troops as well as vehicles. They are also used for combat and drop zones. Airplanes reduce the cost of the war. If airplanes bomb a country, in the end it saves the lives of many soldiers that would have had to fight on the ground.