Photo journalists for the US Gov’t in the 1930s
Dorthea Lange Jack Delano
Lange Delano
Gordon Parks= Also wrote A Choice of Weapons Gordon Parks= Also wrote A Choice of Weapons Bourke-White
"The woman who had been torpedoed in the Mediterranean, strafed by the Luftwaffe, stranded on an Arctic island, bombarded in Moscow, and pulled out of the Chesapeake when her chopper crashed, was known to the Life staff as 'Maggie the Indestructible.'"
Gordon Parks Bourke-White
Buchenwald photo, 1945Gandhi photo, 1946
Marion Post-Wolcott Russell Lee
Wolcott Lee
Arthur Rothstein
W. Eugene Smith “The Walk to Paradise Garden”
Choose a photo- imagine the “story” that might go with it. Make up a newspaper story for a 1934 Maycomb Daily newspaper Atticus will read– write it in that style. Create a headline for the story with the picture in mind. Create a caption to go beneath the photo. Give credit to the photographer if known. We are in the lab next week on FRIDAY for typing it up, putting in the pic and printing.