The Romantic Period in British literature 1798 - 1832
The Romantic Period (1798-1832) was a TIME OF CHANGE! 18th century poets had celebrated man’s intellect and reason. 19th century poets rejected this. Why? There were 2 historical events that caused the change in thinking! 1)The French Revolution stirred interest in democratic ideals Began July 17, 1789 when French citizens stormed the Bastille in Paris. French Revolutionaries wrote Declaration of the Rights of Man This created a constitutional monarchy in France Their motto: “liberty, equality, fraternity” 1792 the “Reign of Terror” started in France Jacobins took over control of French govt. Abolished monarchy; established a Republic 1793 King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette, and 17,000 aristocrats were guillotined. France declared war on England, Austria, Russia (lasted for 22 yrs) Many British at first supported the Revolution’s goals: freedom/equality. Reign of Terror changed this! British crack down on reformers in England Public meetings banned; talk of reform is made illegal Took away many civil rights of British citizens Only outlet for English ideas of reform is through literature!!
2) English Industrial Revolution stirred interest in plight of the poor. Industrial Revolution had created many ugly problems: Overcrowded factory towns Low wages Poverty Slums People losing jobs to new equipment Terrible, unsafe working conditions Government does nothing to help the people 1811-1813 Luddite Riots – workers’ violent protests 1819 Peterloo Massacre – soldiers kill protestors Society is split: Working Class (reform) vs Ruling Class (NO reform!) Government finally passes some reforms: 1820’s Govt. passes first reform – will allow labor unions 1830 liberal Whigs win election “1832 Reform Bill” – gave voting rights to middle class men 1833 Pass 1st law on factory safety; Pass law abolishing slavery
Beginnings of Romantic Movement in literature 1.Rejected the ugliness created by Industrial Rev. 2.Interest in problems of the poor 3.Supported democratic ideals of the early French Rev. 4.Glorifies beauty of nature, imagination; rejects science and reason Romantic Movement was Inspired by European writers: Jean-Jacques Rousseau- French philosopher Blamed society for man’s problems Wrote “Discourse on the Origins of Inequality” Johann von Goethe- German writer Wrote about myth, adventure, emotion, self-fulfillment Created the bildungsroman style Poetry was the dominant literary form during the Romantic Period)
Early English Romantic Poets 1) William Wordsworth- His book of poems, “Lyrical Ballads,” set goals of the Romantics: 1. Defined poetry as “spontaneous overflow of strong emotion” 2. Subject matter- present situations from common life 3. Link human passions with wild, free beauty of nature His Style: No flowery language or figures of speech Wrote about ordinary life and nature in common language “The World Is Too Much With Us” (pg 675) “London 1802” (pg 676) “Lyrical Ballads” is his most important work 2) Samuel Coleridge- wrote “Lyrical Ballads” with Wordsworth Most imaginative of the romantic poets Best known poem: “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (687-709) Style: Wrote about the strange and exotic
2nd generation Romantic Poets 1) George Gordon, Lord Byron (aristocrat) Scandalous love affairs, reckless lifestyle, & radical politics forced him to leave England. Died in Greece at age 32. Inspired the Byronic hero – a mysterious, passionate outcast who rejects values of society; tormented by secret sins 1st successful poem: “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (pg720-723) “She Walks in Beauty” (pg 719) 2) Percy Shelley (aristocrat) Drowned in Italy at age 30 Called “the perfect poet of the Romantic Era” for his passion and his deep convictions about freedom Friend of Lord Byron; he was the husband of Mary Shelley Known as the “most politically radical of the Romantic poets.” Radical politics and marital scandal made him to leave England Best known for lyrical poetry – “Ode to a Skylark” (pg 737-40) Ode: a lyric poem, characterized by heightened emotion, that directly pays respect to a person or thing.
Romantic Era Prose 3) John Keats (from the working class) Died of TB in Italy at age 25 Not into rebellion or politics; wrote about beauty Tries to reconcile beauty of nature w/ reality of human misery Famed for lyric poetry- “Ode to a Grecian Urn” (pg 755-6) Romantic Era Prose Consisted of 2 forms: Essays and Novels (drama was not popular) The London Magazine was most important periodical 1820-1829. Many famous essayists and critics wrote for it Best known prose authors: 1) Mary Shelley (wife of Percy Shelley) (pg 651-654) Famous for writing Frankenstein – first modern horror story Writer in popular new style of the Gothic novel: Elements of the Gothic novel: 1) brave heroes & heroines 2) menacing villains 3) eerie castles 4) elements of the supernatural
2) Jane Austen – (pg780-783) (pg 791-793) Early feminist writer- strong, intelligent heroines Wrote romantic “novel of manners”, which satirized British customs. Most highly regarded writer of “novels of manners” Best known for Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility 3) Sir Walter Scott Invented the “historical novel” Best known novel= Ivanhoe Focus on historical events/settings, with romantic treatment of realistic themes.