Declaration of intents The intents are written in “Biographia literia” of Colleridge and in “ Preface of Lirical Ballad” of Wordsworth. The scenes should deal with situations from simple rustic life and this should be transfigured by imagination; The aim shuold be to make incidents of common life interesting The most important interest is the relation between the mind and the nature. FIRST GENERATION
Relevants texts and poetic forms Wordswort: “Preface to Lyrical Ballads” “The Solitary Reaper” “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways” “Daffodils” “I wandered Lonely As A Cloud” Coleridge: “Biographia Literaria” “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Poetical forms: Lyrical ballads poems FIRST GENERATION
The aim of poetry The purpose of poetry was: pleasure “The power of exciting the sympathy of the reader by a faithful aderence to the truth of nature” To give a sense of novelty by immagination FIRST GENERATION
The kind of language used: The linguage should be: familiar and simple It shuold be the language really used by men without volgarity or artificiality The poet shuold give to the reader vivid sesation. FIRST GENERATION
Themes Events from rustic life Feelings Experiences Nature FIRST GENERATION
Declaration of intents Shelley considers himself a prophet, who is linked with the universe SECOND GENERATION
Relevants texts and poetic forms Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind” “Ozymandias” Keats: Ode to a grecian urn” Poetical forms: ode SECOND GENERATION
The aim of poetry The purpose of poetry was to communicate the pleasure of poets’ experiences to the community They want explain the power of imagination SECOND GENERATION
The kind of language used: The language is difficult, complex and full of abstract concepts A lot of references to the classical art also used To use the phonological level of language SECOND GENERATION
Themes Nature Art Infinite Imagination SECOND GENERATION