Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.4 Ideas for tests with Objectivity and AMS Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna & INFN
Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.42 Topologies 1- n clients without data disks and one disk server 2- n clients with a disk and no disk server Client 1 Disk Server Client 2 Client n Client 2 Client n Client 1...
Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.43 Data access Objy AMS server running on nodes with data –No need to NFS mount disks on all clients No Objy AMS server running –Disks are NFS mounted on the clients –Critical for topology 2 where disks need to be cross mounted –Try also with automount Access to non-Objy files always via NFS –Test with topology 2, with AMS running on all nodes and a disk server dedicated to non-Objy files –See test done in Roma
Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.44 Roma test Using topology 1 with AMS running –The disk server is the gateway Job reads a Zebra file and writes to Objy the same ammount of data. Small CPU load. (ooHit formatting) Job_Host N_Jobs CPU/Event %CPU gw cms cms cms cms cms Zebra file on cms1 Zebra file on a second disk of gw Network saturated by NFS?
Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.45 Job description For topology 1: tests with I/O intensive jobs For topology 2: tests both with I/O intensive and CPU intensive jobs –test I/O when CPU load on the node hosting the disk is high I/O on Objy only, non-Objy only, and both –understand measurements done in Roma
Claudio Grandi Università di Bologna - INFN 13/12/2000INFN-grid WP 2.46 Test on WAN Topology 1 with AMS running on the disk server Topology 2 with AMS running on the clients Topology 2 with AMS running on a single machine (gateway) and client disks NFS mounted on the gateway only –suitable for farms on private networks Client 1 Client 2 Client n... gateway AMS