PASS introduction for In Dialogue with Nature
What is PASS? PASS = Peer Assisted Study Session For subjects students usually find difficult. Open to everyone Weekly one-hour, non-compulsory sessions. Students work in small groups to consolidate understanding & develop study strategies Discuss the texts, and voice your questions and opinions Better grades in UGFN1000!
Who are the PASS leaders? Students got good grades in UGFN1000 Have gone through the PASS leader training Facilitate group discussion, help you to clarify difficult concepts, and improve your study skills
PASS sessions TimeVenueLeaderLanguage 1 st session Text Fridays, 15:30- 16:30 AIT G04HeiCantoneseSep 12Text 2 Mondays, 12:30- 13:30 AIT G05DavidCantoneseSep 8 Text 1a & 1b Mondays, 18:30- 19:30 YIA 408 Sherma n PutonghuaSep 15Text 2 Tuesdays, 12:30- 13:30 YIA 410Timothy Cantonese or English Sep 16Text 2
PASS leaders Hei Philosophy / year 2 the one standing next to me is my UGFN lecturer
Timothy QFRM / year 4 love reading and playing music; sharing with others and making new friends
Sherman Integrated BBA / year 2 from New Asia College
David Geography / year 2 like listening to piano music very much but don't know how to play the piano
Come to join PASS!