Grid Workload Management (WP 1) Report to INFN-GRID TB Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova
Meetings Last meeting: December 4, 2000 CNAF (C. Vistoli, F. Giacomini) Milano (F. Prelz) Padova (M. Sgaravatto) Torino (L. Gaido, S. Lusso, M. Anglano, A. Werbrouck) Pisa (Z. Xie) Catania (S. Cavalieri, S. Monforte) Cesnet (L. Matyska, M. Ruda, A. Krenek) Datamat (F. Pacini, S. Beco) Next meeting: February 6, 2001 February 5, 2001: Meeting with Italian computer scientists
Discussed items Discussion of a first draft of a possible internal architecture of the workload manager, describing also the relevant interactions with external services (provided by other WP) Franceso G. asked to present this picture in the ATF discussions
Discussed items First deliverables PM3: Report on current technologies: M. Anglano + report WP 1 (Globus) PM6: Architecture Addressing mainly the first release PM9: First release Discussions on functionalities that should/could be implemented
Functionalities foreseen for the 1 st release First release of job description language (JDL) used when the job is submitted, to specify the job characteristics (Datamat) Prototype: Condor ClassAds First action: HowTo on the use of ClassAds (to make easier the discussions with applications)
Functionalities foreseen for the 1 st release First version of resource broker, that chooses the computing resources where to submit jobs Published resource access lists are checked as a first step in the resource matchmaking The accessible resource are then matched with the job requests according to Availability of the requested input data set Availability of the appropriate application sandbox Availability of the requested amount of scratch space Resource characteristics and status Cesnet: issues related with access control mechanisms (first prototype: grid-mapfiles based system) Catania (+Pisa): Broker First prototype: use of Condor matchmaking library (necessary a translator: GIS attributes ClassAds)
Functionalities foreseen for the 1 st release First version of job submission service Prototype: Condor-G (submission to Globus resources) First version of bookkeeping service (Cesnet) For information related to jobs First version of logging (Cesnet) For significant events occurred in the workload management system First version of command-line user interface (Datamat)
Other info (Torino)