USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS in STUDENT ENGAGEMENT dave warlick –“our classrooms are the only places where our students live in the 20th century” Professor Chiso Okafor
Definition Social Media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism, one-to-many, to a many-to- many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers (Solis, B., 2010) "Web 2.0" in just under 5 minutes
Components Six core principles underlie the value of social-media solutions, and, in combination, serve as the defining characteristics that set social media apart from other forms of communication and collaboration. Participation Collective Transparency Independence Persistence Emergence (Bradley, A., 2010)
A Vision of Students Today &feature=relmfuhttp:// &feature=relmfu A short video summarizing some of the most important characteristics of students today - how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime. Created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University (2007)
Social Media: Tracking Its Exponential Growth /social-media-tracking-its-exponential-growth- stats-video /social-media-tracking-its-exponential-growth- stats-video
Social Media and Educational Links
Tools Integrating Web 2.0 into the Classroom Part Two How teachers can use Glogster (no more poster boards or tri- folds!) Google Docs for Teachers Introduction in 5 Minutes Twitter: Top Twitter Tools Exposed & Explained at Lightning Speed! best Web 2.0 classroom tools 35-best-web-2-0-classroom-tools-chosen-by-you/ 35-best-web-2-0-classroom-tools-chosen-by-you/ Wordle –Create mishmash words - Google apps Tweetdeck - Linkdin - Igoogle - Jing – video capture - Dropbox –for all your files, pictures online - bighuge labs – flickr images formats ag galaxy-search images using keywords
More Tools Course Siteshttp:// Khan Academy youtube tutorial Second Life avatar for business/social science LMS to create case studies Animoto to create slide shows Gonimate – to create your own cartoon Voice thread – used to engage, collaborate and connect Tag Galaxy –photo veiwing site
FYI Better Googling The trick is to add site:* to the query where site: specifies which Web site (or sites) you want to search. In this case, I also used the wild card * before so that any site run by the state government will be included. voicethread- presentation ProfHacker – Chronicle of higher ed Wired campus
So what’s Out There?