Junior Course Selection
Graduation Requirements English4.0 credits Social Science2.0 credits (Must pass US History) Math3.0 credits Science2.0 credits Health/PE 3.5 credits Consumer Ed.5 credits Electives9.0 credits Prairie State Achievement Exam Constitution Test ________ 24 Total Credits
CREDITS Credit is based on semester grade D (60%) Minimum grade for passing and receiving credit Each semester class = ½ credit To be a…You must have… It’s recommended you have… Sophomore5 Credits6 credits Junior11 Credits12 credits Senior17 Credits18 credits HS graduate 24 CreditsREQUIRED TO HAVE 24 CREDITS!!!
Weighted Grades used to calculate GPA Honors/AP A = 6 points Standard A = 5 points Base A = 4 points
CLASS RANK Class rank is determined by total grade points using all classes. Examples: 6 classes all A’s = 30 points 7 classes all A’s = 35 points
BACC Bloomington Area Career Center 3 hours of your day 2 credits/year Variety of vocational courses (pg. 86) Applications required Bus transportation provided Watch for prerequisites Do not list this in your course requests but know what you would drop
ICE Work Program Interrelated Cooperative Education 3-4 hours of your day 1 credit for class + 2 credits for work = 3 credits yearly Application required Must have a job by the time school begins Must have own transportation
Typical Junior Schedule
Dual Credit Dual Credit with Heartland Community College
Dual Credit No additional cost to NCHS student HS credit and HCC credit Student responsibility: o Confirm university will accept credit o Complete HCC application prior to 17 January Assessment – to be determined Not weighted
English Course currently taking Grade in the courseCourse to take next year English IIAny gradeEnglish III English IIB or higherAP English Language & Composition Honors English IID or LowerEnglish III Honors English IIC or HigherAP English Language & Composition
Math Current CourseCurrent GradeNext Year’s Course Algebra 1Any gradeGeometry Algebra 1AHonors Geometry GeometryC or DElementary Algebra 2 GeometryC or higherAlgebra 2 GeometryA & A in Algebra 1Honors Algebra 2 Honors GeometryC or DAlgebra 2 Honors GeometryC or higherHonors Algebra 2 Elementary Algebra 2B or higherCollege Algebra Trigonometry Algebra 2C or higherCollege Algebra Trigonometry Algebra 2B or higherHonors Pre-Calculus Finite/Prob&Stats Algebra 2AHonors Pre-Calculus Finite/Prob&Stats AP Statistics Finite for Bus & SS (HCC) Honors Algebra 2C or higherHonors Pre-Calculus B or higher or Passing grade AP Calculus AB or BC Finite/Prob&Stats Finite for Bus & SS (Dual Credit) AP Calculus ABAP Statistics orAP Calculus BC M A T H Talk to your math teacher !
Social Studies Electives International Relations Social Issues Economics Human Geography Psychology Sociology AP Psychology (Psych & B or higher in all Social Studies classes) AP Government US (B or higher in all Social Studies classes) AP Government Comparative ( B or higher in all Social Studies classes) AP Geography (Human Geography & B or higher in all Social Studies classes) Western Civilization to 1500 / since 1500 (Dual Credit)
Science Course currently taking Course options next year (based on grade or teacher recommendation) Biology or Honors Biology Chemistry or Honors Chemistry Physics Molecular and Structural Biology Chemistry II Environment Earth (Dual Credit Option) Biotechnical Engineering Science BSAA I & II Physics Molecular and Structural Biology Chemistry II Environment Earth (Dual Credit Option) Biotechnical Engineering Science BSAA I & II AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics C
PE PE Exemption –Application required w/coach signature –IHSA activity/sport including Band/Color-Winter Guard –Only for semester you are in the activity/sport –Winter sports and Cheerleaders-choose semester Options: –Fitness and Sports (Team PE) –Lifetime Fitness and Exercise (Individual PE) –Personal Development –Dance Fitness –Water & Land Activities –Advanced Aquatics –Swim Guard –Lifestyle Management (a full year course!!) NO CHANGES AFTER March 21
CONSUMER EDUCATION- STATE OF ILLINOIS REQUIREMENT Successful completion of any of the following courses/programs fulfills the State Consumer Education requirement for high school graduation: Introduction to Business (9, 10) - 1 year Consumer Education (11, 12) - 1 semester Personal Invest & Finance (11, 12) - 1 semester Agribusiness Management (11, 12) - 1 year ICE (Work) program (11, 12) - 1 year
Junior Electives Agriculture Art Bloomington Area Career Center Business English, Math, Science Social Studies Family and Consumer Science Foreign Language ICE Work Program Music Technology
What’s Next? January 17 / 21 Lab 33: Counselors meet with you to select your classes. January 28: Counselors available to discuss course selections and make adjustments if necessary (by appt.) March 1: Copy of course requests will be sent home in the mail.
Changes? March 21 : Last day to make a change in your course selection. See your counselor to make a course request change
Exceptions after March 21 (CCG: Page 5) Conflicts Successful completion of summer school courses. Failure to meet course prerequisite. Driver Education changes for students placed in wrong semester because of age or course failures. Scheduling conflicts due to computer error. Missing requirement for university admission
Level Changes May request within first 6 week of semester When moving down a level, must show interventions have been implemented Completion of level change form
English Course currently takingGrade in the courseCourse to take next year English IIAny gradeEnglish III ENG 351 ENG 352 English IIB or higherAP English Language & Composition ENG 371 ENG 372 Honors English IID or LowerEnglish III ENG 351 ENG 352 Honors English IIC or HigherAP English Language & Composition ENG 371 ENG 372 Dual Credit CoursesIntro Oral Communication Composition I Composition II ENG991/992 ENG911/912 ENG922
PE –PE Exemption FORM to be submitted in lab –Fitness and Sports (Team PE) PHY 201PHY 202 –Lifetime Fitness and Exercise (Individual PE) PHY 301PHY 302 –Personal Development PHY 401PHY 402 –Dance Fitness PHY 501PHY 502 –Water & Land Activities PHY 601PHY 602 –Advanced Aquatics PHY 631PHY 632 –Swim Guard PHY 651PHY 652 –Lifestyle Management (a full year course!!) PHY 701PHY 702
Social Studies Electives NamePre-RequisiteCourse Number International Relations SOC 301 SOC302 Social Issues SOC 501 SOC 502 Economics SOC 801 SOC 802 Human Geography SOC 401 SOC 402 Psychology SOC 601 SOC 602 Sociology SOC 701 SOC702 AP Psychology Psych & B or in Social Studies classes SOC 612 AP Government US B or in Social Studies classes SOC 861 SOC 862 AP Government Comparative B or in Social Studies classes SOC 882 AP Geography Geography & B or in Social Studies SOC 912 Western Civ to 1500 Fill out HCC application SOC931 SOC932 Western Civ since 1500 Fill out HCC application SOC941 SOC942
Science Course currently takingCourse to take next yearCourse Number Biology or Honors Biology Chemistry Honors Chemistry SCI451 SCI452 SCI501 SCI502 Chemistry or Honors Chemistry Physics Molecular and Structural Biology Chemistry II Environmental Science Biotechnical/Engineering Science Environmental Earth Science BSAA I & II SCI651 SCI652 SCI361 SCI362 SCI551 SCI552 SCI801 SCI802 SCI851 SCI852 SCI811 SCI812 SCI331 SCI332 Physics Molecular and Structural Biology Chemistry II Environmental Science Biotechnical/Engineering Science Environmental Earth Science BSAA I & II AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics C SCI651 SCI652 SCI361 SCI362 SCI551 SCI552 SCI801 SCI802 SCI851 SCI852 SCI811 SCI812 SCI331 SCI332 SCI401 SCI402 SCI601 SCI602 SCI751 SCI752
Current CourseNext Year’s CourseCourse Number Algebra 1Geometry Honor’s Geometry MAT521 SCI522 MAT601 MAT602 Geometry or Honors Geometry Elementary Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 MAT641 MAT642 MAT681 MAT682 MAT721 MAT722 Elementary Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 College Algebra Trigonometry Honors Pre-Calculus Finite/Prob&Stats Finite Math B&SS (Dual Credit) AP Statistics MAT741 MAT742 MAT801 or MAT802 MAT891 MAT892 MAT841 MAT842 MAT911 or MAT912 MAT851 MAT852 College AlgebraTrigonometry Honors Pre-Calculus Finite/Prob&Stats Finite Math B&SS (Dual Credit) AP Statistics MAT801 or MAT802 MAT891 MAT892 MAT841 MAT842 MAT911 or MAT912 MAT851 MAT852 Honors Pre-CalculusAP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Finite/Prob&Stats AP Statistics MAT921 MAT922 MAT941 MAT942 MAT851 MAT852 AP Calculus ABAP Calculus BC AP Statistics MAT941 MAT942 MAT851 MAT852 Complete GeometryIntro to Computer Science Computer Science MAT761 or MAT762 MAT791 MAT792 M A T H ~ Pag e 8
Junior Electives Course Numbers ~ Pages 8-9 Agriculture ~ Page 15 Art ~ Page 17 Bloomington Area Career Center ~ 88 Business ~ Page 21 Family&Consumer Science ~ P age 39 Foreign Language ~ Page 43 ICE Work Program ~ Page 28 Music ~ Page 55 Technology ~ Page 83 Dual Credit ~ Page 11