HIV/AIDS and Human Rights A New HIV Infection every Six Seconds
OUTLINE General Facts UN Commission on Human Rights Human Rights Violations Lead to HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Leads to Denials in Human Rights Causes of Discrimination against PLWHA Rights of PLWHA Women’s Rights Women are more Vulnerable to HIV Human Rights in the Context of Saudi Arabia
General Facts Over 42 Million today living with HIV/AIDS 95% in the developing world 28 Million dead already (2002) Highest rates amongst people aged 20–44 (productivity) Tragedy for Children 45% of South African army recruits HIV positive Threat to National Security
UN Commission on Human Rights Resolution 49/1999 “Discrimination on the basis of HIV or AIDS status, actual or presumed, is prohibited by existing international human rights standards, and that the term, ‘or other status’ in non- discrimination provisions in international human rights texts should be interpreted to cover health status, including HIV/AIDS”
Human Rights Violations Lead to HIV/AIDS Violations of Civil and Political Rights Violations of the right to adequate standard of living Violations of the right to information and education Violations of the right to Health and Medical services Violations of the right to share in scientific advancement Violations of women’s rights Violations of the right to non-discrimination (Stigma)
HIV/AIDS Leads to Denials in Human Rights The right to freedom from want The right to employment and fair labour practices The right to education The right to health and medical services The right to privacy The right to freedom of movement The right to participation and the right to legal remedy
Causes of Discrimination against PLWHA HIV is life-threatening Fear of contracting HIV Sexual taboos Responsibility ( are HIV carriers responsible for contracting the disease?) Deviant behaviour Religious and moral beliefs
Rights of PLWHA The right to life The right to liberty and security of person The right to the highest attainable standard of mental and physical health The right to non-discrimination, equal protection and equality before the law The right to freedom of movement The right to seek and enjoy asylum The right to privacy The right to freedom of expression and opinion and the right to freely receive and impart information
Rights of PLWHA (ctd) The right to freedom of association The right to marry and found a family The right to work The right to equal access to education The right to social security, assistance and welfare The right to an adequate standard of living The right to share in scientific advancement and benefits The right to participate in public and cultural life The right to be free from torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment
Women ’ s Rights UNAIDS and UNGASS Declaration of commitment Discrimination in education, health, employment, etc… Sexual and other forms of violence Lack of access to reproductive health Trafficking Stigma Economic Dependence… = renders women vulnerable to infection
Women are more vulnerable to HIV Physiologically ( soft tissue in female reproductive tract, vaginal tissue absorbance of fluids, STIs ) Socially ( lack of control over sex relations, little access to sexual health information & services ) Economically ( vulnerable, dependent, desperate. Informal employment --> no health insurance ) Gender implications ( GBV “physical abuse, rape”, commercial Sex-work & Sex-Tourism, Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, voluntary or forced migration & Displacement,
Human Rights in the Context of Saudi Arabia Are Human Rights an issue in terms of HIV/AIDS in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? How do you think we are failing? Where do you think we can do better? Should UNDP advocate and how? Stigma
The respect of individual human rights is a precondition for an effective response to HIV/AIDS, and violations of human rights are recognized as primary pathogenic forces in the spread of the disease. Thank you