Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 1 US CMS FY 2011 Budget Review Trigger Travel & COLA Wesley Smith Aug. 17, 2010 Outline.


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Presentation transcript:

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 1 US CMS FY 2011 Budget Review Trigger Travel & COLA Wesley Smith Aug. 17, 2010 Outline Overview of Activities FY 11 Budget  Travel  COLA Summary

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 2 Overview of US CMS L1 Trigger Activities – FY 10 & 11 Operating Regional Calorimeter Trigger Maintenance of Regional Calorimeter Trigger Evolution/Adjustment of Regional Calorimeter Trigger R&D on Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade* Simulation Studies for Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade* Operating CSC Muon Detector Trigger Maintenance of CSC Muon Detector Trigger Evolution/Adjustment of CSC Muon Detector Trigger R&D on CSC Muon Trigger Detector Upgrade* Operating CSC Muon Track-Finder Trigger Maintenance of Endcap Muon Track-Finder Trigger Evolution/Adjustment of CSC Muon Track-Finder Trigger R&D on CSC Muon Trigger Track-Finder Upgrade* Simulation Studies for Endcap Tracker-Muon Trigger Upgrade* * Covered as part of upgrade presentation

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 3 Overview of US CMS Other Activities – FY10 & 11 HLT  Trigger Performance Studies  Trigger online & offline DQM  Trigger Timing, CPU and Memory Studies  Trigger Menu Integration online deployment & operations  Trigger Rate Calculations and Prescales  Trigger Menu Development  HLT Code Integration Level-1  Trigger Online Software (Trigger Supervisor)  Calorimeter Trigger Primitive Support (Serial Link Boards)

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 4 FY 2011 – Travel Details InstituteTitleDest. Cost.# TotalDura.Activity CornellPDCERN $3,0002 $6,0003 Mo.Support HLT (Trigger Performance, DQM & Database) CornellGSCERN $3,0002 $6,0003 Mo.Support HLT (Trigger Performance, DQM & Database) FloridaEng.CERN $3,0004 $12,0002 WksCSCTF diagnostics & maint at P5 & Bat.904 test stand RiceEng.CERN $3,0002 $6,0002 WksCSC MPC & Sort maint, firmware work & repair RiceEng.CERN $5, Mo.CSC MPC & Sort maint, firmware work & repair UI ChicagoPDCERN $3,0004 $12,0003 Mo.Support HLT (Jet Trigger & Trigger Menu Development) WisconsinEng.CERN $3,0002 $6,0002 WksDiagnostics & maint. of RCT at P5 & Bat.904 test stand. WisconsinTechCERN $3,0002 $6,0002 WksDiagnostics & maint. of RCT at P5 & Bat.904 test stand. WisconsinSr Sci.Madison $3, WksConfer with staff, maintain test setup at Madison WisconsinPDMadison $3, WksConfer with staff, maintain test setup at Madison WisconsinGSCERN $5,0002 $10,0002 Mo.Work on, support & on call for RCT

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 5 FY 2011 – Travel Summary Cornell PD/GS: HLT support of Trigger Performance, DQM & Database FL, Rice, WI Eng.: evaluate performance & solve/repair problems on-site & conduct detailed system diagnostics to investigate long-term operation. FL, WI GS travel to send non-CERN-resident students to work on RCT/CSC trigger and serve trigger shifts to relieve/assist the on-site teams UIC PD: HLT support of Jet Trigger & Trigger Menu Development WI Tech.: make on-site repairs and improvements. WI Sci./PD travel to return to institute to work on hardware changes and studies being tested in lab, update test setup, confer with Engineering team at institute. Travel CostPosition FY11 Req. InstitutionEng.GSPDSr SciTech Grand Total Cornell 6,000 12,000 Florida12,000 Rice11,000 UI Chicago 12,000 Wisconsin6,00010,0003,000 6,00024,000 Grand Total29,00016,00021,0003,0006,00075,000

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 6 FY COLA COLA CostPosition FY11 Req. InstituteComp ProfEng.GSPDSr Sci Grand Total Boston 12,00021,120 33,120 Brown 9,00010,560 19,560 Cornell 21,120 Florida 24,00021,120 45,120 Minnesota 10,56024,00034,560 Notre Dame 21,120 Rice 21,120 UI Chicago 21,120 Wisconsin43,20045,00048,00021,12057,690215,010 Grand Total43,20045,00093,000168,96081,690431,850

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 7 FY 2011 – COLA Details - I InstitutionPositionOp Responsibilities BostonPDHLT: Trigger Menu Integration work & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) BostonGS HLT: Validation of trigger menus on online HLT farm & deployment online, on-call TMI expert (0.5 FTE) BostonGS HLT CPU performance studies and optimization for higher luminosities (0.5 FTE) BrownPDHLT: Trigger Menu Integration work & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) BrownGSHLT: Trigger Menu Development (0.5 FTE) CornellPDHLT: Trigger Performance Group Co-Convener (0.5 FTE) FloridaGSL1: CSC TF support, shifts & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) FloridaGSL1: CSC TF support, shifts & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) FloridaPDL1: CSC TF support, shifts & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) MinnesotaPDL1: Trigger Menu Integration Co-convener (0.5 FTE) MinnesotaSr SciHLT: Trigger Performance work & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) Notre DamePDHLT: Trigger Performance work & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) RicePDL1: CSC Detector Trigger work & on-call expert (0.5 FTE) UI ChicagoPDHLT: Jet Trigger Design & DQM (0.5 FTE) UI ChicagoPDHLT: Trigger Menu Development Co-Convener (0.5 FTE)

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 8 FY 2011 – COLA Details - II ‡ Provide full 24X7 trigger shift & on-call coverage during extended running period & support full calorimeter trigger system and diagnostics (2000 board, 19-crate system) except for single GCT crate † Jose Carlos da Silva: Wisconsin CERN contract (75% Lisbon on ECAL): Diagnosis, firmware updates and general support of 1000 SLB Trigger Primitive transmission mezzanine cards that connect from HCAL HTR & ECAL TCC to RCT *Marc Magrans: This is partial personnel support in lieu of a cash payment to the Trigger Common fund for Marc Magrans who is in charge of the Trigger Online Software (a.k.a. Trigger Supervisor), which is a full-time job. InstitutionPositionOp Responsibilities WisconsinGSL1: Trigger Supervisor work & on-call expert ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinGSL1: RCT DCS work & on-call expert ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinGSL1: RCT DQM work & on-call expert ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinGSL1: RCT Emulator work & on-call expert ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinPDL1: RCT on-call expert & data-base support ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinSr SciL1: RCT DCS & Trigger Supervisor Coordinator ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinSr SciL1: RCT on-call expert & Cal. Trig. Cooordinator ‡ (0.5 FTE) WisconsinSr SciHLT: Trigger Performance Group Co-Convener (0.5 FTE) WisconsinEng.HCAL & ECAL SLB support & on-call expert † (0.25 FTE) WisconsinCmp ProTrigger Online SW Coordinator (M&O B)*(1.0 FTE)

Wesley SmithAug. 17, 2010 Trigger Budget Review: Travel & COLA - 9 Summary and Conclusions Have a strong but stressed on-site team to support 24x7 L1 trigger & HLT operations for an extended collisions run with changing luminosity, energy, heavy ions Staffing expert & trigger shifts is a concern COLA & Travel essential to support on-site team Need to recruit to compensate for turn-over  COLA & Travel support help with this Expect that all funding will be needed and unexpected events will be covered by contingency