Questions on the “issues paper” presented to the Council (14 - 15/02/2005) by L. Michel.


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Presentation transcript:

Questions on the “issues paper” presented to the Council ( /02/2005) by L. Michel

process and content The framework: the EU in 2004 – Towards the review of the development statement: process Is this a meaningful consultation ? Why a DPS and is the Issue paper a good introduction to the DPS Issues to look into and to discuss We need you to build a strong profile for development !

The EU in 2004 – 2006 defending development cooperation Enlargement of the EU EP elections – changed balances of power New Commission – changed portfolios Constitution and the ratification process Preparations for the budget 2007 – 2013 (financial perspectives) Preparations for the new External Action Service Mid Term Reviews (reallocation of aid) Review of the Cotonou Agreement (redefinition of roles, essential elements) Millenium Development Goals: report of the EU Hong Kong and EPA evaluation

From Issue Paper to Development Policy Statement ? Speeches Michel and comments on his position Issue paper released (12/2004) Consultation on the internet Debate in parliament and in council Calendar: /02: introduction and debate 02/03: end of the consultation process (only contributions) 25/04: discussion on policy statement 09 – 10: parliament and DPS A new development statement or a revised one ?

Why a new/reviewed Policy Statement ? Issue Paper = a good introduction to the DPS ? Why ? New challenges, new responses (political reason) Strengthened position for Development or changing development cooperation (power game) Backlog in aid delivery (administrative reason) Preparing for the MDG’s (pr – reason) EU = global player Development Policy Statement not restricted to development as such, but also discuss the role of Europe Migration policies Trade policies Security … Making sure Human development in the forefront

Issue Paper: Is this a meaningful consultation ? We welcome the intention Original objective of L.Michel (June 2005) An internet consultation Where is the evaluation of the existing Policy Statement More support for the “new approach”: More time for debate (sept – oct. 2005) Questions in parliament and council Internet questionnaire or regular in-depth debate ? Are we able to strenghten development ? Can we influence asylum/migration/trade policies

Some issues to look into (Issue Paper) Link between security and development Link between migration and development Link between trade and development Link environment and development Aid delivery (budget support, global initiatives) Concentration on sectors and/differentiation Redefining the actors Harmonisation and alignment

CASE 1: Development and Security Do we start a debate on that ? Based upon objectives of poverty reduction Examples so far and lessons learned: Fight against terrorism: extra money in Pakistan, Philipines, Indonesia: what control – transparancy ? DDR programmes: effectiveness ? Is the military/foreign affairs ready for a debate on that ? Define security - human security and comprehensive security Red line: DPS should make very clear Funds for long term not be reallocated for short term security priorities Take up lessons learned Full transparancy and parliamentary control

CASE 2: Migration issues What examples exist already ? Issues: Durable “protection” in the region Building camps and setting up pilot projects Do we ask the interior minister how these ideas contribute to the development priorities in a certain country - self settlement of migrants or protection of human rights activists.

Red lines and demands from civil society Poverty reduction and rights based approach EU development cooperation to all developing countries Importance of cross cutting requirements Coherence with the development obj Aid delivery to strengthen the partner state Asylum and migration coherent with dev. Obj No reallocation More clarity on global initiatives Trade for development Partnership, ownership and participation Impact measurement

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