Industrial Relations Shailaja Karve SIMSR
Industrial Relations Basically IR is a social partnership between the players. Industrial relations may be referred as the art of living together for purposes of production The term IR explains the relationships between employees and management which stems directly or indirectly form union-employer relationships
Industrial Relations (Contd…) According to ILO, “IR deals with either the relationships between the state and employers’ and worker’s organizations or the relations between the occupational organizations themselv es.”
Some basic facts about IR Multi-pronged relationships The relations do not constitute a simple relationships Historical, economical, social, psychological, demographic, technological, political, legal and other variables.
IR don’t function in vacuum Institutional Factors – state policy, labour laws, voluntary codes, collective agreements, labour unions, and employers’ organizations Social institutions – community, caste, family structure, system of belief, etc Attitude to work, system of power status, relative nearness to the centres of power and etc.,
IR don’t function in vacuum… Economic Factors – economic organizations (socialist, capitalist, communist, individual ownership, company ownership, government ownership)
IR don’t function in vacuum… Technological factors – techniques of production, modernization and rationalization, capital structure. External factors – international relations, global conflicts, and the operations of international bodies (ILO)
Thus, IR is… Web of rules formed by the interactions of the government, the business community, and labour, and are influenced by the existing and emerging economic, institutional and technological factors.
Industrial Disputes Industrial Conflict – relative concept, Industrial dispute – specific. Definition (ID Act – 1947) Any difference between employers and employers, or between employers and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non-employment or terms of employment.
Classifications of Industrial Disputes Interest dispute – dead lock in negotiations Grievance dispute – arise from day-to- day operations Unfair labour practice – interfering with the exercise o the right to organize Recognition dispute – over the right of TUs to represent a particular class.
Types of Industrial Disputes Industrial disputes Strikes Lock-outs Stay-away Sit-down Stay-in Tool-down Pen-down Token or Protest Cat-callSympathy Political Bandhs
Tripartite and Bipartite bodies for settlement 4 th labour conference constituted ILC (Indian Labour conference) – Equal representation between government and non-government representatives – To promote uniformity in labour legislations – To lay down a procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes – Discuss all matters of all-India importance as between employers and employees.
Other bodies ID redressal Works committee Conciliation officer Board of conciliation Court of inquiry Labour court Industrial tribunal National tribunal Voluntary arbitration Conciliation Procedure Adjudication Procedure Arbitration Procedure
Grievance Procedures Feeling of disagreement or discontent on the term of employment ID Act require every establishments in which 100 or more workmen are employed, the employer shall set up a time-bound grievance redressal procedure. Model grievance procedure
Discipline/Misconduct Employee self-control which prompts him to willing co-operate with the organizational standards, rules, objectives, etc. Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act 1946 Disciplinary Action – Natural justice – Impartiality – Reasonable opportunity to show-cause
Procedure for Punishment (model) Framing and issuing a charge sheet Receiving the explanation form charge sheeted employee Issuing notice of enquiry Holding the enquiry Findings of the enquiry officer Decision of the disciplinary authority Communication of the order of punishment
Collective Bargaining Is a mode of fixing the terms of employment by means of bargaining between an organized body of employees and employer.