Welcome, Students! Mrs. Handke DWMS History
Daily Schedule 8:00 – 8:10 Mustang Minute 8:13 – 9:437 th Kansas History 9:46 – 10:316 th World History 10:34 – 11:196 th World History 11:22 – 12:008 th American History/ Reading 12: :25LUNCH 12:28 – 1:198 th American History/ Reading cont. 1:19 – 2:02Team Plan 2:05 – 2:45MTSS 2:48 – 3:30Plan Time – Study Skills on Thursday 3:30-4:00Plan
Classroom Expectations Our classroom rules help us get along with each other: Be respectful and responsible. Be Honest. Be in control. Be prepared. Be on Time. Classroom Tour
Handke’s Historical Essential Rules 1.Choices have consequences. 2.Individual have rights and responsibilities. 3.Societies are shaped by beliefs, ideas, and diversity. 4.Societies experience continuity and change over time. 5.Relationships between people, places, ideas, and environments are dynamic.
6 th World History Geography Early Man Mesopotamia Egypt China India World Religions Ancient Greece Ancient Rome African Civilizations and Islam Asian Empires (China and Japan) Early Americans (Mayas, Aztec, and Incas) Middle Ages in Europe
7 th Kansas History Geography Skills Kansas Geography Explorer and Native Americans in Kansas Trails and Forts of Kansas Bleeding Kansas and Civil War Settlement of Kansas Agriculture, Railroads, and Cattle Progress and Reform Good Times and Bad Times Kansas and a Changing World Kanas and the Modern World Kansas Government
8 th American History Geography Skills Building a Nation The Jefferson Era The Jackson Era The Industrial Revolution Manifest Destiny The Road to War The Civil War Reconstruction The West and War A Changing Nation
8 th Reading Novels: Please Stop Laughing At Me The Hunger Games A Christmas Carol Lyddie The Outsiders The Diary of Anne Frank A Voice Beyond the Border Short Stories Non Fiction Historical Readings AR Skills Context Clues/ Figurative Language Inferences Theme/ Supporting Details Motif/ Irony Summarizing Plot/Characterization Text Structure and Text Features Comparing Medias Point of View/ Author’s Purpose Comparing Texts Journaling
Homework *Students should expect to have homework after each class. *Homework will be communicated in both written and oral form. *Homework will be posted on my website, Facebook, and sent through remind 101 at the end of each day. Assignments are due at the very beginning of each class period. (Notes – will be graded at the beginning of class – you get the grade you get) $ late fee will be paid for each incomplete assignment. *All homework assignments will be completed! However, zeroes will be given until the assignment is completed. *Students have 1 day for each day they are absent to make up missing work. *Students will be put into study skills 8 th hour for any missing/ incomplete work.
Agendas Students will write down their assignments in their agenda at the end of each class. Students will not be released from class until Mrs. Handke has initialed your agenda. Assignments will be posted on the board, my website, Facebook, and sent through a text each night. Long term project dates, quiz, and test dates will be posted on the white board.
Hall Passes Agendas are a MUST if you want to leave the classroom. Mrs. Handke will sign your agenda if and when you need to leave class. Leaving class will cost you $ Do not abuse your passes!
Tardiness/Behavior Tardies will be entered into the computer. A tardy to class will cost a $ fee. Behaviors (positive and negative) will be entered into the computer at the end of each day. Mrs. Handke’s agenda Consequences??
Beginning of Class Bell Activity Every class period Timed (finishing early) Kept in your Steno Notebook Can use your book, notes, etc. to complete the bell Handed in at the end of each week Grading
During Class Activities Groups Reading Work Time Quizzes and Tests Finishing Early
End of Class The bell does not end class, I decide when class ends!!! Listen carefully – important info. Agendas
Let’s Get Organized!
End of Class The bell does not end class, I decide when class ends!!! Listen carefully – important info. Agendas
Social Media!
Stay Connected Facebook - DWMS History PageDWMS History Page Website - Mrs. HandkeMrs. Handke Remind 101 Edmodo
Let’s Get to Know Each Other!
Class Materials Textbook Historical Journal Current Event Notebook Bell Activity Notebook Binder TAB Page Protector Table of Content Sheet Money
HAPPY! Have A Positive Productive Year!