Improving Equality & Diversity Case Studies (C) Copyright Asian Youth Alliance (AYA) / Mobeen Butt
British Transport Police Impact 55% of recent recruits being female as well as 15% coming from ethnic minorities. 30% of Inspector rank within the North West are from diverse groups (0% in 2003). Not a single employment tribunal in the last 3 years. Over half of people across BTP recognise diversity as an asset compared to a third 3 years ago. 97% of staff have completed diversity training. A noticeable shift away from enforcement to partnership in policing diverse communities and groups.
British Transport Police How Setting a challenging performance target - 8.4% of officers to be from visible ethnic minorities by 08/09 Chaired by the Deputy Chief Constable Innovative and proactive community activity: – forging close partnerships with The Progress Trust, Race for Opportunity, Children 4 Future – appointing a Positive Action Officer – developing a work placement scheme for black and ethnic minority youngsters – proactive recruitment at Manchester's gay festival, the Mardi Grass – sponsorship of an Award at the Black professional's dinner
Leicestershire County Council Impact recruitment of new employees from BAME groups has increased by 15% since % of staff believed that Equality and Diversity is everybody’s business. 90.2% believed the council is committed to equal opportunities. 92.5% believed that their manager treats them with fairness and respect. 81% believe that progress had been made on the Equality and Diversity agenda in the past 12 months.
Leicestershire County Council How clear and concise targets which must be delivered, both at a departmental and total organisation level Representative Recruitment Panel Equalities team attend departmental Equalities group meetings across the organisation multi-layered training programme worker groups for disabled, black and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers formally involved in shaping the development of future services