An Ending & Beginning Here’s what we know – and things are changing so the information here is only as current as …. NO Professional Development Day on Monday – will be rescheduled (like Nov. 10) ½ day school on Monday – full days as of Tuesday January Exams stay (private) and second set introduced for Feb (no schedule out yet) End of the year will be June (as normal)
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Expectations We expect our grad class to be leaders in the school and set good examples with the choices they make. Grade 12 students who choose, in their final year, to attend school or school events having consumed drugs or alcohol may not be allowed to take part in school-based grad events.
Grad Requirements A-K Mr. Bergen L-Z Mrs. Crockett 80 (20 courses) credits minimum with required courses En, Ma, Sc, SS, Pl, PE in Gr. 10 En, Ma, Sc, SS in Gr. 11 En/ Comm. in Gr. 12 plus 3 other grade 12’s Grad Transitions
Scholarships & Bursaries Passport to Education – recognizes students in Grade LAST YEAR District Scholarship Program – students can earn $1000 for the Abbotsford School District by completing a district scholarship application in fine arts, applied skills, physical activity, or second language. Scholarship Team – facebook group “Bateman Scholarship Team” for updated info and meetings Scholarship Team Night is Oct 2, 2014
More Scholarships Abbotsford Community Foundation – The ACF generously provides thousands of dollars to district schools for bursaries or scholarships. Get a booklet in February to apply. Secondary School Apprentice Scholarships – The BC gov’t provides trades scholarships of $1000 to any student who completes a SSA. See Mr. Dods for more information, application in February POST SECONDARY NIGHT IS Sept. 25 Location (Yale or Abby Christian)
Transcripts & PSI All students regardless of if they have or have not decided to apply to post-secondary (BCIT, college, university etc) should complete a PSI PSI is done online and in one click you allow institutions to receive your marks/ transcript should you apply to that institute. for more info (pg. 10 of handbook) This will SAVE $$ as you will not have to pay the school and wait for a transcript to be made/ mailed etc.
Grad Fees Option 1 – full payment of $180 due in October OR Option 2 of three installments Installment # 1 - $40 due in Oct Installment # 2 - $50 (pays for lock-in) due Nov Installment # 3- $90 (pays for dinner/ dance) due Jan
Calendar of Grad Events Sept. – Grad Cruise Sept. 26 $65 leave at 4pm SHARP Oct. – Grad Fees, Grad Photos, Fright Night Grad Photo sign up complete Oct from 2:20 to 9pm Sat 9-4 $40 to photographer for proofs Two photographers casual and formal All students MUST have pic taken you don’t have to pay if you don’t want the proof but this photo is used in yearbook, grad composite and grad ceremonies Fright Night – Oct 22 Tickets on sale now $45 Includes entrance, attractions, dinner and transportation
November/ December November Grad Fee #2 – Lock In Grad Fashion Show Date was based on several shops who did not participate as it was too late for “shopping” season December Submit Yearbook Quotes Why so early – this section of the yearbook is sent off to press in January See page. 18 of the handbook for Guidelines and Tips
Grad Fashion Show 100% Parent Production Parent Sponsored Event Must have a chairperson Best to start early Duo-tang from past years Staff Rep, Mrs. Frans (coordinates school bookings/ models etc) Requires a team of dedicated parents Coordinate girls fashion/ stores/ models/ donations Coordinate boys fashion/ stores/ models/ donations Front of the house Back of the house Set up/ take down MC/ program/ speeches
January January January 15 – second Grad Parent Meeting Installment #3 due $90 Exams Lock In Jan 30 95% Parent Run
Lock In MRC from 11pm to midnight Casino Play $$$, rental of some equipment, some coordination with prize committee for draws Food $1000 budget, donations, coordination, big group Prizes $1000 budget, donations, coordination, dedicated group Entertainment MRC/ Body Art/ Cartoonist/ Entertainer Transportation 9-11:30 ish AM job, check bags and transport to MRC Clean Up 4am to 5am job, Hockey 11-1am job
February/ March February Feb. Grad Financial Aid Feb Grad Photo Retakes Feb. 26 – Abbotsford Community Foundation Scholarships due March Deadline PSI’s March 11, Sadie Hawkins Dance
TBA Grad Movie Madness Undetermined date Rent local Theatre Midnight to 4am Watch 2 movies Parents provide security Food (reimbursed) And get to watch 2 movies
April/ May April April 2 Prom Guest Applications due Criteria – all non-RBSS students 21 years or under School or work referral May Valedictorian Announced (Top % Student) Nominations for Class Rep. (either male or female) May Pick up grad ceremony tickets (4 per family) Must have $40 grad fee paid and NO school fees owing May Up to 4 per day per student until they run out May Pick Prom Tables Tables of 10 Must have all school fees and grad fees paid
More for May/ June May Event Grad Luau & BBQ Stage Crossing Quote (do it early) Read as grad walks across the stage Audience – their family Different that Yearbook Write Up Audience – their friend
Last Activity Cultus Lake Waterslides Must be in June (not open in May) Must travel by school district transportation Must stay in the waterpark
Grad Ceremonies June 10 th Grad Ceremony Rehearsal 3:30 Seven Oak Survey – Information/ June 12 th Grad Seven Oaks 5pm to allow for family time Survey Information Lock in No Longer follows Grad Ceremonies survey Information June June
Grad Dinner & Dance Selection Process DATE- confirm June 13, 2015 Grad Parade, 3 pm – vehicle arrival, red carpet NEW Grad Reception in the Round Room (light refreshments) Two photo ops (staged areas with photographer) Grad Moonlight March, 4:30 pm (lg. gym) Board Busses 5:15pm Swan-e-Set Golf and Country Club Arrival back at school 11:45pm
Remainder of June June 19 th Grad Show N’ Shine Last Day of School Yearbooks PM off Inflatable BBQ Prizes
Parent Volunteers As always we are looking for parents to supervise and volunteer on committees to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Ways to GET INVOLVED – Movie Madness, Fashion Show, Lock-In (Casino, Security, Transportation, Food, Hockey, Prizes, CleanUp). One parent is the committee captain receives portfolio and coordinate with parents on committee.
Parent Committees Parent Sponsored Event, Need A Parent Chair for each committee, Duo-tang from past chairs Committees for Grad Fashion Show – big committee, big responsibility, no budget Lock-In- Food, - big committee, big responsibility, small budget Prizes, big committee, big responsibility, small budget Casino- small committee, smaller responsibility, tiny budget Transportation, large committee, small responsibility Clean-Up, same Hockey, same Security, same
Q & A Any questions????? Yes, it is a busy culminating year