What was it ? The great coalition was established in 1864 after the fall of the government. The coalition was formed by three important groups, the clear grits, bleus and the conservatives. The leaders of the groups decided it was the best time for them to start a coalition because of the fall of the old government and the rising problem of the political deadlock in Canada. There were two main reasons though. 1. The Clear Grits acquired two of the cabinet posts for Upper Canada and 2. The new government would be committed to resolving the constitutional difficulties of the province by supporting a federal union of all the British North American colonies or failing that of at least the two canvases. Once the coalition was approved, it had immense success. It was the start of a strong government that championed the cause of the constitutional reform that started the project of confederation through three constitutional conferences.
George Brown George Brown was born on November 29th, He was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada with his father in George Brown was a journalist, politician and a noted reform politician. He was the creator of the Toronto Globe which is also known as the Globe and Mail. This paper was the leading reform paper and later became the paper for the province of Canada. George Brown was elected to the Legislative Assembly in In 1857, George Brown went and re-organized the Clear Grits Party and separated the church.
George Brown
Georges-Etienne Cartier George Cartier was born on September 6th, He played a great role in Canada’s history. He started off being a French Canadian Statesman and Father of Confederation. Cartier was a dominant figure in the politics of Canada East as he was the leader of the political party called Parti Bleu. Cartier had many reasons for supporting the confederation; he didn’t want the expansion of the Americans. He was officially part of the politics in Throughout his years in politics, he was able to establish a civil code as the formal law of Canada East. He passed away in London, England on May 20, 1873 at the age of 59.
Georges-Etienne Cartier
John A. Macdonald John A. Macdonald was born on January 10th, 1815 He was born at Glasgow Scotland. At a very small age of 15 he moved to Upper Canada, Kingston. Right away he started legal studies and by the age of 19 he started his own law office. After a couple of years, because of his ingenuity he was named Solicitor for both Kingston banks. In 1844 he became the Provincial Conservatives member for Kingston. Macdonald had the job of receivers general. After the government had been defeated in 1848, he decided to spend his time in the opposition government learning and working for the interests of this own party. In 1854, he helped form the Great Coalition with the Upper Canadians and the Canadians to form a Conservative Party. With his power, Macdonald was given the rank attorney general. Macdonald’s final years in power were marked by ill health and the loss of colleagues through illness or death.
John A. Macdonald
Alexander Galt Alexander Galt was a successful financier and was an Independent Conservative. At the time, there wasn’t a very intelligent leader because of poor government decisions and it had been criticized a lot. Galt didn’t care for the thoughts of the current government; he was Independent and made his own decisions. Frustration grew with not only the parties but the people of French Canada. These poor decisions cause a political deadlock as a result. The other political parties formed an alliance to defeat the government. (Which Galt was a part of.) Fortunately the parties had defeated the political deadlock. This played an important role in the life of Galt as he became an Independent Conservative Leader.
Alexander Galt
Bibliography A1ARTA http:// A1ARTA A1ARTA http:// A1ARTA A1ARTA http:// A1ARTA A1ARTA http:// A1ARTA geBrownandtheGreatCoalition.htmlhttp://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/encyclopedia/Geor geBrownandtheGreatCoalition.html