Open House Mr. Hunt
About Mr. Hunt ProfessionallyPersonally Moved to NV in Kids (8 and 3) Opened GivensPatriots fan since 84 13th year as a fifth grade teacher Cyclist Graduated from SB/ UNLV
Schedule 8:50-9:10am: Students may enter the school during this time and come straight to our classroom for before school academics. 9:10am: School day begins. 9:10-10am: Special. 10-10:45am: Language Arts. 10:45-12:05pm: Mathematics 12:05-12:35pm: Read Aloud/ Reading Mini-Lesson 12:40-1:15pm: Lunch. 1:15-2:30pm: Reading Cont. 2:30-3:20pm: Science/Social Studies 3:21pm: Dismissal.
Homework Every day the students will receive their homework assignments during zero hour. Per Clark County School District, students are required to have 10 minutes of homework per grade level. In fifth grade, students will complete 50 minutes of homework every night. Students bring their homework back the next day to be checked. If a student was unable to finish their homework, there must be a note attached from a parent as to why. If the student does not have a note a phone call may be made. The homework is also posted at each day by 4:15pm along with the next days special.
Homework Homework is about establishing a routine for students. Homework is also about learning responsibility. Please check there work, but do not help them with it as it will make it harder for me to tell where they need support.
Behavior Management Rule #1: Follow Directions Rule #2: Be polite Rule #3: Be Positive Rule #4: Be Prepared Students are expected to follow our classroom rules at all times. Students are also expected to come to school with all of their work completed.
Behavior Management I use Class DoJo in our classroom. Notices will go home with students tomorrow to help them and you log in to track behavior. When a student does something positive, it is rewarded! When a student does something negative, it is recorded. If you register, you will receive updates!
Mathematics We will be using a program called investigations for the majority of the year. It will at times be supplemented with Engage NY materials to extend ideas covered in class. These programs place an emphasis on students understanding of concepts and higher level thinking skills.
Reading This year we will be reading a lot of novels. Also, students will work in reading groups that fit their reading needs. They will be reading high-interest novels while writing reading responses in their literature logs.
Reading Every other week TIME Magazine publishes Time For Kids (TFK). This publication includes current events written specifically for kids. We will be reading and studying our TFK in class and the students may take them home when we are finished.
Reading Students will have the opportunity to purchase books through Scholastic this school year. These books are typically less expensive than they are in bookstores. Scholastic also has a book club, which is a great way to build your child’s home library.
Writing We use Being a Writer as our main writing curriculum. Students will write Opinion essays, Informative/Explanatory essays, Narrative essays, and complete research reports this school year.
Science/Social Studies We will use FOSS kits as our main science program, but this will be supported with reading from various sources. Social studies will use the textbook as this is an area where I will not only explore history, economics, geography, and civics, but will use it as a source for teaching non-fiction reading skills.
Field Trip/Chaperones Red Rock Canyon Field Trip Monday, November 24 th, 2014 There will be a pre-hike for all chaperones on Saturday, November 22 nd, Courthouse Field Trip Dates TBD
Sea Camp Sea Camp Field Trip March nd, 2015 March th, 2015 Please attend one of the Sea Camp meetings next week Wednesday, September 17 th 6-7pm Library Thursday, September 18 th 7:45-8:45am #125
Infinite Campus In-Class Assignments 10% Quizzes 15% Assessments/Projects 75% Please log into your Infinite Campus weekly to see your child’s progress. I do not send home Progress Reports since Infinite Campus is a 24/7 progress report.
Thank You I look forward to working with your child during this school year, and helping them become a life long learner. “Students want to know how much you care before they care how much you know.”