Incapacity benefits reassessment Rosie Wilson
Incapacity benefits reassessment summary Current incapacity benefits abolished by 2014 Most getting these benefits to be reassessed under the Employment and Support Allowance test Started from 28 February 2011(limited numbers till May) People reaching pension age by March 2014 not affected “Linked” claims for incapacity benefits abolished from 31 January 2011 No PCAs after March 31
Timetable Started from 28 February a week nationally till April 7000 a week from beginning of April 11,000 a week from beginning of May
Order of reassessment People getting Incapacity Benefit, Income Support or both People getting SDA or SDA with Income Support Credits only claimants after March 2014
The process JC+ send letter to claimant telling them about reassessment, at the time they are due to reassessed for old benefit (?) JC+ contact centre phones claimant to ask if need additional support Most claimants (probably) asked to complete ESA50 form Most claimants (probably) asked to attend medical Decision made by JC+ decision maker
Process (continued) JC+ decision maker phones claimant to tell them about decision Claimant gets decision notice (letter) Possible outcomes: Qualify for ESA and transfer 2 to 4 weeks after date of decision with transitional addition if ESA less than old benefit Do not qualify for ESA and sign on for Jobseekers Allowance or claim another benefit Do not qualify for ESA and appeal “Move off” benefit
Internal Customer Touchpoints – Overview Someone calls me to give further information and advice, find out if I need extra help with the process Someone calls me to arrange a Work Capability Assessment appointment £ Work Related Activity group Support Group I attend the Work Focused Interview / Appeals I write a letter / call to appeal* I receive a letter informing me that changes are about to commence and advising me on the next steps The Jobcentre contacts me to arrange a Work Focused interview I attend the Work Capability Assessment with the Atos Health Care Service I receive a letter with my Employment Support Allowance award notification Atos Health Care call me to arrange & conduct a Work Focused Health Related Assessment (WFHRA) ALLOWED Someone calls to gather any missing information and explain the next steps (this TP only applies to customers with missing information) I receive a medical questionnaire to fill out Pre-journey prepatory touchpoints I become aware about forthcoming changes to my benefits I receive a letter informing me of benefit disallowance and the Work Capability Assessment outcome DISALLOWED GENERAL ENQUIRIES/HELP/SUPPORT Someone calls to inform me of the entitlement decision and advises me of my options. If I wish to claim Jobseeker’s Allowance I am transferred to someone who takes my claim details 7 I receive a letter with my Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)award notification £ 17 *if customer calls they will be told appeal needs to be in writing Cases with Child Dependency Addition begin migration to Child Tax Credit at Touchpoint 3 For disallowed cases entitlement to Income Support on grounds other than incapacity is checked prior to Touchpoint 13 7 Someone calls to advise on Employment Support Allowance (ESA) entitlement and next steps in the ESA regime Someone calls to confirm information for reconsideration^ 16 Face to Face /09/10 Version: 4.0 ~suspended for 2 years from 19/07/2010
Assessment process overview ESA50 Not if terminally ill and submit DS1500 Or enough other evidence Must complete and return within 6 weeks or treated as fit for work Medical Not if terminally ill or enough evidence to show unfit for work and work related activity Decision
Transitional additions If ESA is less than claimant’s old benefit is made up to the same amount with a transitional addition This amount then frozen until normal ESA rates catch up TAs reduce in certain circumstances: For example, no longer entitled to dependant’s addition TAs not paid pending appeal
Issues - locally High percentage claiming incapacity benefits/ESA Over 80 reassessments a week More than 6,000 expected to fail the WCA 3,600 likely to “move off benefit” Newcastle Medical Examination Centre has highest WCA failure rate in the country
Issues - generally Increase in demand “Revolving door” problem of frequent reassessments Quality of assessments Reassessments and appeals
Issues - generally Potential drop in income 12 month limit for contribution based ESA for those in work related activity group, and abolition of youth rules Work related activity requirement and sanctions ESA and the Work Programme
What we are doing so far Briefed over 100 professionals about the reassessments One day training course on ESA and mental health From November 2010 introduced: Triage system for referrals and telephone enquiries from professionals Dedicated tribunal unit
What we are doing so far Website More involvement with corporate appointeeships Factsheets: ESA – basic explanation Incapacity benefits reassessment Completing the ESA50 (work in progress…) The briefing paper