Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment James Strait LBNE Project Director Public Information Meeting May 23, 2013 LBNE-doc-7321
What are neutrinos? LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, Neutrinos are particles with no electric charge and almost no mass. They are among the most abundant particles in the universe. They are produced in great quantities by the sun and other stars, in the earth, by cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere. Trillions of neutrinos pass through your body each second. Neutrinos hardly ever interact – a typical neutrino could travel through more than 100 million miles of lead unscathed. There are three (known) types of neutrinos: electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos. Once produced, they can change (“oscillate”) from one type to another and then back again.
Why are neutrinos important? Neutrinos play an important role in natural processes that are crucial to why we exist. The reactions in the core of the sun. The explosions of supernova stars in which the heavy elements are created and expelled into space to form planets and provide the building blocks for life. Small differences between neutrinos and their anti-particle counterparts could help explain why more matter than anti- matter was produced in the Big Bang. Understanding if neutrinos behave differently from anti- neutrinos is one of the main goals of LBNE. Because neutrinos hardly interact, they can tell us what happens in places we cannot “see” otherwise: In the core of the sun In the center of a supernova at the moment it explodes. LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23,
Why do we need a new neutrino experiment? Since we built MINOS a decade ago, we have learned many things about the properties of neutrinos. To learn more, we need to let the neutrinos and anti-neutrinos travel farther through the earth to understand how they oscillate. New detector technologies enable more precise measurements LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23,
LBNE Neutrino Beamline and Near Detector LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, ft. 680 ft. not to scale
LBNE Neutrino Beamline LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23,
FCAB -- May 26, Beamline hill as it would appear from Kirk Road near Prairie Path bridge Current design is 18 feet lower than shown
LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, Near Detector Building as it would appear from Kirk Road near Giese Road Additional partners are being sought to help build the Near Detector
LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, Far Detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility in the Black Hills of South Dakota Massive Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detector
LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, Underground Detector Location Additional partners are being sought to place the detector underground not to scale 4550 ft
Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) 4550 foot depth J.Strait, IOP 2013, 10 April Surface R&D facility MAJORANA Electroforming Lab 0.6 mi Majorana Demonstrator LUX Davis Campus Experiments LBNE Base of the Yates Shaft
LBNE Collaboration LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23, collaborators, 63 institutions, 5 countries Fermilab, March 2013 AlabamaArgonneBostonBrookhavenCambridgeCataniaColumbiaChicagoColorado Colorado State Columbia Dakota State DavisDrexelDukeDuluthFermilabHawaii Indian Universities Indiana Iowa State Irvine Kansas State Kavli/IPMU-Tokyo Lawrence Berkeley NL Livermore NL London UCL Los Alamos NL Louisiana State Maryland Michigan State Minnesota MITNGA New Mexico Northwestern Notre Dame OxfordPennsylvaniaPittsburghPrincetonRensselaerRochester Sanford Lab SheffieldSLAC South Carolina South Dakota South Dakota State SDSMT Southern Methodist SussexSyracuseTennessee Texas, Arlington Texas, Austin TuftsUCLA Virginia Tech Washington William and Mary WisconsinYale
LBNE Public Information Meeting -- May 23,
MINERvA MiniBooNE 455 miles MINOS (far) at 2340 ft level 5 kton MINOS (near) operating since 2005 Currently Operating Neutrino Experiments at Fermilab
MINERvA MiniBooNE 455 miles MINOS (far) at 2340 ft level 5 kton MINOS (near) operating since kW (>400 kW) Evolution of Fermilab Neutrino Program: The NOvA Experiment NOvA (far) Surface 14 kton under construction online 2013 MicroBooNE under construction (LAr TPC) NOvA (near) 500 miles
MINERvA MiniBooNE 455 miles MINOS (far) at 2340 ft level 5 kton MINOS (near) operating since kW (>400 kW) To Advance Understanding of Neutrinos a New Facility is Needed: LBNE NOvA (far) Surface 14 kton under construction online kW MicroBooNE under construction (LAr TPC) NOvA (near) 500 miles 800 miles New beamline Near detector LBNE Far detector at 4850 ft level >10 kton 34 kton LAr TPC