Chapter 7, Section 3 Pages 251-255 The Industrial North
The Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution – the birth of modern industry and the social changes that accompanied it Occurred from the mid 1700s to the mid 1800s Began in Great Britain’s textile industry Replacement of human power with machine power
The Industrial Revolution
Textile Mill Invented by Samuel Slater Mechanized spinning and weaving Created machines that used power from running water and steam engines to spin and weave cloth
The North Industrializes British made it illegal for anyone that had knowledge about industrial machines to leave the country Samuel Slater violated these laws when he brought information to America
Lowell Named for Francis Lowell, a wealthy Boston textile merchant Lowell, Massachusetts – a leading city for textile mills Majority of workers were young women Worked as long as 14 hours a day, 6 days a week Known as the Lowell Girls
The Revolution Spreads From early 1800s to mid-1800s industrialization spread with steam engines becoming more widely available Industrialization led to urbanization People left the farm to work in cities
National Road 1811 Construction began on the National Road Completed in 1841 Stretched 800 miles west from Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois Promoted travel and trade
Erie Canal 1825 the 363-mile-long Erie Canal opened Connected the Great Lakes with the Hudson River and with the Atlantic Ocean Provided quick and economical way to ship manufactured goods to west and farm products to east NYC became the busiest port in America
Erie Canal
The Steamboat 1807 Robert Fulton ran the first successful steamboat service Inspired others to build and operate steamboats
The Railroad The first steam powered train was in 1830 By 1835, states had issued more than 200 contracts to build railroad lines Speed, power, reliability, and carrying capacity made it a preferred means of transport
Advances in Communication Printing press – 1811 Books and newspapers easily printed and in higher volumes Advances in the Postal Service Quicker communication Telegraph – 1840 by Samuel F.B. Morse Sends messages using electricity through wires Communication was instantaneous