JANUARY 3, 2012 How did the U.S. end up in Vietnam? Review Ho Chi Minh and his objectives Review our early involvement Escalation of U.S. Involvement Homework:
U.S SUPPORTS FRANCE IN VIETNAM Late 1800s - WWII France rules most of Indochina; Japan takes over Vietnam 1940 Ho Chi Minh- leader of Vietnam independence movement, heads Communist Party
VIETNAM INDEPENDENCE Vietminh- organize to make Vietnam independent of foreign rule, lead by Ho Chi Minh Sept Minh declares Vietnam independent
FRANCE BATTLES VIETMINH French troops invade Vietnam; want to regain control U.S. wants to stop the spread of Communism, support France with money Domino Theory- countries fall to communism like row of dominos
VIETMINH DRIVE OUT FRENCH Vietminh overrun French at Dien Bien Phu; France surrenders Geneva Accords- divide Vietnam at 17th parallel; Communists get north (Ho Chi Minh)
U.S. STEPS IN Election is called “unify” the country Ngo Dinh Diem (anti-communist) says “no” Diem with help from U.S., organizes in South
POWER STRUGGLE IN VIETNAM Vietcong- pro- communist organization; begins to attack Diem in the South Ho Chi Ming (North Vietnam; Communist) vs. Ngo Dinh Diem (South Vietnam; Anti- Communist)
KENNEDY AND VIETNAM Kennedy & U.S. backs Diem financially Diem very corrupt, moves people from homes, denies Buddhist religion People protest Diem is assassinated Johnson continues fight in Vietnam after JFK killed
TONKIN GULF RESOLUTION Alleged attack in Gulf of Tonkin; Maddox Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave LBJ military powers to repel enemy attack Americans killed by Vietcong, LBJ orders bombing of North Vietnam Also sent troops, “Operation Rolling Thunder ”
CHAPTER 30: SECTION ONE MOVING TOWARD CONFLICT P.936 I. America Supports France in Vietnam - 3 facts/points about section - How & why did Americans support France ’ s Vietnam war efforts? II. The United States Steps In - 3 facts/points about section - Why did the United States support canceling elections? III. President Johnson Expands the Conflict - 3 facts/points about section - How did the Tonkin Gulf Resolution lead to greater U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?
TROOP BUILDUP Johnson began sending troops ,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam Goal to stop Communism
FIGHTING IN VIETNAM Vietcong advantages: Used to climate, heat, jungle More to fight for Help from China & Soviets
GUERILLA WARFARE Ambush, disappear into tunnels/jungle Booby traps, land mines Less advanced weapons
U.S WEAPONS USED Napalm- gasoline-based bomb, sets fire to jungle Agent Orange- leaf-killing, toxic Search & Destroy missions- destroy villages thought to help Vietcong
U.S. TROOPS GET WEAK Low Morale, turn to drugs, alcohol, kill other officers Keep moving to overthrow communism Unpopular at home
VIETNAM STORIES P Small groups (3-4) Tell the story you see in the picture sentences (2 paragraphs) Use THREE things you find in the chapter about the Vietnam War in your story. (Example: Napalm, Tunnel system) Underline the 3 items you include
WORKING CLASS GOES TO WAR Draft- men to military service Many try to get out: religion, college, Canada 80% from lower economic levels Large percentage African Americans
ROOTS OF OPPOSITION New Left- youth movement of 1960s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)- criticize big business, government; want greater individual freedom Protests spread across college campuses
PROTESTS TO RESISTANCE Anti-War demonstrations, burn draft cards, marches, rallies Doves- oppose war, believe should withdraw Hawks- want greater forces so U.S. can win 1967, majority supports war
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY May , Kent, OH Students rioted for days, burned down ROTC building National Guards fired on Anti-War Protestors 4 Protestors were killed, 9 wounded
SUMMER 1969 President Nixon began withdrawing troops from Vietnam.
January, Negotiations going nowhere, North Vietnam wanted U.S. troops out of South Vietnam August, 1969 Nixon & Kissinger start Vietnamization- U.S. troops out slow, South Vietnamese take over
MY LAI November Americans learn about My Lai Massacre (March 68 ’ ) Invaded the village, found no Vietcong, killed 200 innocent civilians
May 4, National Guard fires on protestors at Kent State University, 4 people died (2 not protestors) June Pentagon Papers leaked, showed govern ’ t plans to go to war even when Johnson said he wouldn ’ t; Americans lose trust in govern ’ t
Oct Kissinger called for all troops to leave Vietnam Nixon won reelect, but kept fighting Jan Peace talks North Vietnam troops stay in South Vietnam March 29, U.S. involvement over April 30, South Vietnam felt to North
LEGACY OF THE WAR 58,000 Americans killed; 303,000 wounded 2 million Vietnamese 1st war lost by America, divided citizens Veterans not welcome
KHMER ROUGE Cambodia- communist group Khmer Rouge took power 1975 Executed anyone with an education Keep control of people 1 million died
JOHN F. KENNEDY Feelings- Hesitant, did not intend to have a full war, just wanted to contain communism. Actions take- Supported anti-communist leader Diem in Vietnam, money & training for troops In the End- Assassinated weeks after Diem, the anti-communist leader of Vietnam was assassinated.
LYNDON JOHNSON Feelings- Communist takeover in Vietnam disastrous, do anything to prevent from happening Actions take- Tonkin Gulf Resolution- increase troops 500,000 by 1967 Operation Rolling Thunder- bomb North Vietnam In the End- Public opposition and a split within the Democratic Party over the war led Johnson to withdraw his name the nomination in 1968.
RICHARD NIXON Feelings- Promised to end war, wanted North Vietnamese out of South Vietnam Actions take- Vietnamization- Slowly take out troops Invaded Cambodia- remove Vietcong support Intense bombing in North Vietnam In the End- Withdrew troops in 1973, Vietnam feel to Communist North in 1973