Presented by Tabitha Williams Wrenn Middle School
MANAGE YOUR CLASS Add as many classes as you need. Class Summary view to give a snapshot on the number of students, their overall attendance, behavior and grades Create a Seating Chart Using the “Seating Chart” feature, arrange your students’ seating in the classroom the way they sit in classroom Use Camera to Add students Using the “face detection” feature, teachers can add students easily and quickly from a photo or camera shot.
TAKE ATTENDANCE Take attendance in a certain date and period. Change the attendance state by tapping student icon. Set Absence limit for student, flag appears when student exceeds the limit
ADD BEHAVIOR NOTES Appraise student behavior by inserting personalized notes to record positive or negative incidents. A flag appears on the student counting the negative incidents. To Input Custom Behaviors you have to upgrade to premium services
BLOG Various Articles on the App itself and on various classroom issues
CALLOUT Turn Off Repetition Truly Random Helps to keep everyone on task Promotes Participation