Is Benchmarking the missing link? Mark Warner Environmental Projects Manager Liesl Truscott BITC Associate / CSR Consultancy Ltd.
Workshop Overview Benchmarking the HE Sector (project overview) The Indices explained Project key findings & Participants feedback Bridging the Gap - how benchmarking can provide the missing link “Universities that Count” - a public league table? Funding for the Future - programme viability in the longer term What else is out there? Open discussion
PROJECT OVERVIEW Why benchmark the HE Sector? What was the pilot project for? Who was involved in it’s delivery? Who participated? Outcomes - confidential feedback reports for all participants and a final project report for the HE Sector Next steps - recommendations to HEFCE for the continuation of the programme
INDEX FRAMEWORKS Climate Change Waste Self-selected Corporate Strategy (10%) Integration (22.5%) Management (22.5%) Performance and Impact (35%) Community Environment Marketplace Workplace Assurance & Disclosure (10%) Social Impact Env. Impact Management (45%) Performance and Impact (45%) Assurance & Disclosure (10%) ENVIRONMENT INDEX CR INDEX
PROJECT KEY FINDINGS Y&H HEIs leading the way. HEI’s are beginning to manage and report on their environmental activities - but not yet in a systematic way. The CR Index is a huge step for HEI’s - although there is a tradition of transparent governance, progress on sustainability agendas, and pockets of good practice eg workplace diversity.
PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK All participants indicated that they benefited from taking part in the project and would like to continue benchmarking through the Index programme. Almost all agreed participation helped raise the profile of the environment and CR at board level. Almost all participants said they would allow more time and involve more colleagues ‘next time round’. “The Index provides a holistic view of the institution and highlights how all departments interrelate and need to collaborate to improve environmental performance” Project participant.
BRIDGING THE GAP Your top 3 Environment and/or CR issues (can be either risks or opportunities) How the Index framework can help you systematically manage and communicate your impact.
Environment Index Management Leadership & Policy Objectives & Targets Employee Programme Stakeholder Communications EMS & Audit Supplier Programme & Stewardship Performance (climate change, waste, option) Measurement and reporting Scope and quality of information Targets and Performance Improvement
CR Index Corporate Strategy and Integration Corporate Values, Principles, Risk Management Process Advocacy, Leadership & Policy Business Conduct Performance Management and Remuneration Strategic Decision Making Training and Development Public Reporting Management, Performance and Impact Community Marketplace (Customers/consumers & Suppliers) Workplace (OHS & Employee Issues)
“UNIVERSITIES THAT COUNT”… GOING PUBLIC? Should HEI’s be ‘ranked’ on their environmental and social performance? Is it inevitable that they will? Should we be seen to be doing it voluntarily? Or should it be ‘done to us’? How important will it be to be a ‘good’ university? Will it influence students? Employees? Funding?
Future leaders survey 54,240 young people (under 21) responded to this survey. 45% of these would choose a university on the basis of its CSR track record.
FUNDING FOR THE FUTURE How can a Sector benchmarking programme eventually be financially self-sustaining? Will HEI’s be willing to pay? What other funding arrangements are possible? Eg sponsorship
WHAT ELSE IS OUT THERE? Fear of duplication or not choosing the ‘best’ programme to invest time and money into. What else is there? How can we ensure programmes are supportive, complementary, and collaborative?
ANYTHING ELSE…? Questions and comments from you.
Workshop outcomes “Universities that Count” - a public league table? Funding for the Future - programme viability in the longer term What else is out there? Further topic(s) of discussion