Cold Mountain 7 Seconds Borat Slaughter MOVIES FILMED IN ROMANIA
ROMANIAN CINEMA GETS ITS START The history of cinema in Romania started before 1900 The first cinematographic projection in Romania took place on May 27, 1896, less than five months after the first public film exhibition by the Lumière brothers in December 1895 in Paris In 1897, the French cameraman Paul Menu (an employee of the Lumière brothers) shot the first film set in Romania, The Royal parade on 10 May 1897, showing King Carol I mounted, taking his place on the boulevard to head the parade In May 1909, the first theater in Romania built especially for exhibiting films Volta, was opened on Doamnei Street in Bucharest.Transylvania, then part of Austria-Hungary, had already had its first movie theatre in Braov since 1901
The first Romanian fiction film was Amor fatal (Fatal Love Affair), starring Lucia Sturdza, Tony Bulandra and Aurel Barbelian, actors from the National Theatre Bucharest On November 7, 1911, the film Înşir ă te m ă rg ă rite... (Spread Yourselves, Daisies) premiered. It was based on Victor Eftimiu's poem On 5 May 1912, the magazine Flac ă ra (The Flame) brought to its readers' attention the fact that "as it is known, a few artists have founded a society with the goal of producing a film about the War of Independence Pictured right: The National Theatre Bucharest EARLY FICTIONAL ROMANIAN SILENT FILMS
EARLY ROMANIAN TALKING FILMS German director Martin Berger, directed the first Romanian talking film in 1930 based on the novel by Liviu Rebreanuwith the same name, Ciuleandra (film) The film was not very good because the famous German actors provoked laughter through the German accent they had when speaking Romanian 1932 brought the production Visul lui T ă nase (T ă nase's Dream) to Romanian screens. It was self-produced in Berlin by Constantin T ă nase. He was the film's financier, screenwriter, and its principal star alongside several good Romanian actors, while the German side provided the studio, direction, technicians, and a troupe of actors. Enthusiastic Romanian directors, due to lack of funds and disinterest on the part of the ruling authorities, all began to take other paths in their lives
CINEMA DURING COMMUNISM On November 2, 1948, Decree 303, regarding "the nationalization of the film industry and the regulation of commerce in cinematic products", was signed Films had to actively strive to show the realities of the new society Socialist films had to reflect the struggle of the "new man" against the "old retrograde society, a society in which man exploited his fellow man, full of capitalists and men of inherited wealth who sucked the blood of the working classes“ Also notable is the fact that the choice of actors for such productions was not random. Fat actors, especially those with a paunch, were chosen to play the landed gentry, while poor peasants were played by those actors who were thin yet possessed a piercing gaze
ROMANIAN CINEMA (1990-PRESENT) Filmmakers examined the Communist period and the economic and spiritual crisis in the country. Production often depended on the state grants, awarded by a jury; it was found that many of the grants were awarded within a clique of earlier members of the jury, twisting the goal of the system In 2005, The Death of Mr. L ă z ă rescu, a journey through the Romanian health care system, competed in the un certain regard category of the Cannes Film Festival and won the prize "Un certain regard“ At the 2006 Cannes Film Festival, Romanian director Corneliu Porumboiu won the Camera d'Or best-first-feature award for 12:08 East of Bucharest
ROMANIAN NEW WAVE Romanian New Wave A blanket term applied to a plethora of internationally acclaimed films made in Romania since the mid-aughts, starting with Trafic Trafic 2004 Romanian short film directed by C ă t ă lin Mitulescu. It won the Short Film Palme d'Or at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival
MOVIE STUDIO MediaPro Pictures MediaPro Pictures is the largest film and TV production company in Romania, part of MediaPro Entertainment along with other production units from Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria Since 2009, MediaPro Entertainment is part of CME (Central European Media Enterprises), a vertically integrated media and entertainment group
Corneliu Porumboiu (1975- ) Born in Vaslui, Romania His 2006 feature 12:08 East of Bucharest won him the Camera d'Or prize at the Cannes Film Festival He is the son of well-known football referee Adrian Porumboiu ROMANIAN DIRECTORS
Liviu Ciulei (1923 –2011) Born in Bucharest, Romania Romanian theater and film director, film writer, actor, architect, educator, costume and set designer Was the recipient of the Directors' Award at the 1965 Cannes Film Festival for The Forest of the Hanged ROMANIAN DIRECTORS
Toma Caragiu ( ) Born in Aetomilitsa, Greece One of the best Romanian actors, with a rich activity in both film and theatre Most famous for his monologues ROMANIAN ACTORS
Mihaela Mitrache ( ) Born in Bucharest, Romania In movies such as Filantropica The trip The death of an artist ROMANIAN ACTORS