By Stephanie Bishop Chelsea Gehan Christiana Stratis
The first machine to be patented was called a zoopraxiscope, or the “wheel of life.” Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln –
This, when spun and watched through a slit in the machine, gives off an illusion of a couple waltzing. (a zoopraxiscope)
After that, it only improved with many more inventions that showed improvement. Cinematographe Georges Méliès discover this idea in 1896 that films could interpret life as well as record it.d Sound Films But there are three main inventions that we think made the biggest steps: A combination printer, camera, and projector created by the Lumiere brothers in 1895 One Reelers/Silent Films This is a scene from his ground-breaking science fiction movie of 1902, “A Trip to the Moon,” Warner Brothers studio was able to come out with the first practical sound films using: Vitaphone
During the early 20 th century, films were used for people to be able to get away from the paranoia of war. But that usually did no good since film was also used for war-time propaganda. Governments saw this new invention as a great way to glorify their country and spread patriotism by using realism and powerful war scenes.
The title makes it somewhat self- explanatory. The “Will” would be the Nazis. The overall theme is the return of Germany as a great power. “Triumph of the Will” ( 1934 ) – A film by Lein Riefenstahl, who was famous for creating propaganda films. Shows many speeches by Adolf Hitler himself, and he even commissioned himself as the unofficial executive producer. He’s seen in the opening titles.
(For those who want to escape the war-time stress)
During the prohibition times, it’s funny to say that about 43% of the heroes in the films were shown drinking, while only 13% villains were shown drinking. Though filmmakers made obvious statements that drinking was bad, positive messages were placed in the films a lot. Drinking would often be associated with luxury, sophistication, being the life of the party, etc. The influence that films had on civilians was used against them, and for whoever bought a place in the movie for advertisement. It was easy to tell people what to buy and what not to buy without them even realizing it.
What’s Beautiful The influence that films had over people could also be viewed as a cultural change. TV today still influences people without most realizing it. The government, filmmakers, directors, advertisers… Anyone who put any say in these films could have a shot at telling people what’s “in.,” or socially acceptable. What makes your status What makes you sophisticated
How would this influence affect totalitarianism? Government and media are two of the most seven influential things… Since people were almost eating up what went on in the movies, government could make quite an impact on how people felt as well, if they so chose.
Of course different people have their different views, so this new invention never impacted everyone equally. Some countries weren’t as successful in the business as others Germany did well, but failed soon after many German’s fled to America and German films turned into imitations of ours. Overall, however, there were no real huge differences on the impact films had for most countries, somewhat favoring India, China, and America film, Prapancha Pasha (A Throw of Dice) “The Spring River Flows East” Famous 1942 American film
Films have and more than likely will always challenge the way few, some, or most people live traditionally. In the s, a HUGE change was seen because of all the information that was now available to people. Women turned into “flappers,” they started smoking, and were slowly starting to act less and less like “women.” This was all caused by the beautiful women in the films, the handsome men seen as villains or heroes, etc.
Films contribute to most social, economic, and political, and cultural changes during the early 20 th century. And the media today, still continues to influence almost everything people do.