Library and Information Services Planning your search strategy
Step one – consider topic Spend some time thinking about your topic to define and clarify your research question Break down search topic into sections Think of Keywords to describe the topic
Step two – think about search terms Generic words can be omitted eg: discuss, assess, importance Consider alternative terms- look at Oxford Reference online business dictionaries Alternative spellings eg: organiz/sation or behavio(u)r can be expressed as organi*ation /behavio*r to find both spellings Word endings: truncate using asterisks or question marks eg: leader* leader? This searches for leader, leaders, leadership
Step three – linking search terms AND search – combining two different subjects together OR search – alternative words which are often crucial to success of the search eg: cultural differences or diversity Words as a phrase eg: “job satisfaction” Don’t try to link too many terms together at once. You might need to search for different aspects of the topic separately
Step four – choosing databases Choosing your database For articles Emerald full text Academic OneFile PsycINFO – for some topics such as job satisfaction / motivation Business and market data Marketline Mintel
Step five – searching & modifying Different databases will use different search terms to describe same subject Check what subject terms (called keywords in Emerald) are used for your topic and modify the search if necessary Limit to searching within different indexes eg: subject, article title, author Limit to years of publication Limit to type of document eg: books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, reports.
Step six – relevant results retrieved Is the item full text? – go direct to article, perhaps linking via e-journal finder Is it held in the Library? If not, articles and books can be requested on Interlibrary-loan.
Topic one- HRM issues in the banking sector Emerald Banks (banks not banking is the keyword) AND human resource management (phrase) Academic OneFile Banks or “banking industry”(subject) AND “human resource management” Search for a banking journal title eg: Journal of retail banking services (in publication title index) AND “human resource management”
Topic two: Innovation in organizations Emerald Competitive* (finds competitive and competitiveness) AND innovation advantage organi*ation* (all the words on same search line) Non-articles: abstracts of articles in other journals Academic OneFile 1. Competit* and innovation and advantage 2. Subject search for competitiveness leads to competition (economics) Search within results > innovation > advantage
Topic three: Factors affecting job satisfaction or organization loyalty Emerald Job satisfaction (phrase) AND working conditions (phrase) Job satisfaction (phrase) AND organizational commitment (phrase) Academic OneFile “Job satisfaction” AND “working conditions” or “quality of work life” or “work environment”
Topic four: Cultural differences and HRM Emerald Human resource management (phrase) AND divers* OR “Cultural differences” Academic OneFile Subject browse search on cultural differences leads to cultural diversity in the workplace: see workplace diversity Advanced search “workplace diversity” (subject) AND “human resource management” Example of article: Creating an environment for global diversity…