IT-101 Section 001 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture #1
Overview Basic information Course objective Course content Definition of IT Historical perspective
Student Questionnaire Indicate on a separate sheet of paper the following information about yourself: Major Age Mathematics background How many IT related Courses you have taken A list of topics you would like to learn in this course
Course Objectives: IT-101 aims to provide information on the following subjects: Evolution of IT Role of IT Quantitative aspect of IT Components of IT State-of-the-art technologies
Can you give some applications of IT in your everyday life?
Course Content: Introduction to information systems Information, messages and signals Examples of information systems Analog and digital representation of information Binary representation and Information coding Representing information in binary form Numbering systems and conversions Error detection and correction Protocols Data compression Digitizing images and audio
Course content (cont…) Telecommunications Telephone systems RF and satellite systems Wire and fiber transmission systems Signal and channel bandwidth Modulation schemes Computer architecture History of computing Computer hardware Computer software
Computer Networks Network topologies LAN, MAN, WAN Multiple access schemes The internet and WWW Protocols VoIP and convergence Course content (cont…)
Possible scenarios after completing this course: You might meet someone in class You might earn more money now that you are “technology proficient” You can impress everyone with your IT skills
Information and Technology: Information (Latin: idea, conception) Knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance Quantity needed by a system to complete a task Technology (Greek: systematic treatment) The practical application of knowledge in a particular area (ex: Engineering, science, etc..)
Information Technology: According to IT (information technology) is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms (business data, voice conversations, still images, motion pictures, multimedia presentations, and other forms, including those not yet conceived). It is a convenient term for including both telephony and computer technology in the same word. It is the technology that is driving what has often been called “The Information Revolution."
Historical Perspective Information and its uses have always been an integral part of mankind The very first indication of information communication/storage/retrieval is considered to be through cave drawings Mankind later developed pictures, words and subsequently languages to more efficiently communicate with each other Information sharing was made possible by the invention of the printing press in the early 1450’s by Johannes Gutenberg through the process of printing and distributing manuscripts
The printing press is widely thought of as the origin of mass communication. It marked Western culture's first viable method of disseminating ideas and information from a single source to a large and far-ranging audience (Jones telecom & multimedia encyclopedia) Significant developments in IT include: The telegraph by Samuel Morse in 1837 The Atlantic cable in 1858 The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 Black and white TV in the 1940’s The ENIAC during WW-II The transistor by Bell lab scientists, replacing the vacuum tube in 1947 The integrated circuit by Jack Kilby in the late 1950’s The digital computer in the 1970’s The world wide web in 1993
Information Technology Timeline Egyptian Book of the Dead Johannes Gutenberg Telegraph Key Circa 1840 Bell’s Telephone 1876 Flat Disk Gramophone ,000 B.C. Rock Carvings <4000 B.C. Hieroglyphics 2200 B.C. Papyrus 1500 B.C. Alphabetic Writing 1450 A.D. Printing Press 1876 Telephone 1835 Photography 1895 Silent Movies 1894 Wireless Telegraph 1840 Telegraph 1876 Phonograph
Information Technology Timeline (cont.) Sputnik 1957 Fiber Optics 1977 Apple Mac 1984 IBM PC 1981 AOL has 200K Subscribers Radio Broadcasts 1993 World Wide Web 1965 Local Cable TV 1973 Fax Machines 1980s Cell Phones 1970s VCR 1954 Transistor Radio 1983 CDs 1977 Apple II Home Computers 1990 Digital Photography 1998 MP-3 (Compressed Sound Files) 1940 Black and White TV
Comments for next class Please read chapters 1 and 3 from Cyganski Topics to be covered: Definition of information, messages and signals Examples and components of information systems Analog and digital representation of signals Examples of analog and digital systems Representing information in binary form