“We went through a fairly large organisational restructure in March and felt that hiring Apprentices would suit our needs. Having worked with Future Jobs Fund employees before, we had an idea of what it would be like." “At first, some staff had reservations, thinking that the Apprentices would be underpaid and given no real responsibilities. Nottingham Credit Union (NCU) - Operations Manager, Ella Ferris ‘’Some staff were concerned that it was just a way of getting cheap labour and would exploit young people, but we've not found this to be the case at all! All of our team now see they're a great asset. We have recruited two Apprentices who are enthusiastic, responsive, fresh and adaptable. They've both taken a lot of pressure off the operations team, and this has been crucial to the development of our organisation. I would definitely recommend it to any other organisation.’’ Ella Ferris with Apprentices Umare and Jordan
Employer forum
Who are Fair Train? About Fair Train Fair Train is the name of the Group Training Association (GTA) for the voluntary sector. A Group Training Association is a not for profit organisation that encourages employers from their sector to offer apprenticeships by helping them to access and manage training for apprentices. There are Group Training Associations for a number of different sectors. The Fair Train partners The organisations involved in Fair Train are ACEVO, Action for Children, Barnardo’s, Enable, Learning Curve, NACRO, NAVCA, NCVO, North Warwickshire and Hinckley College, The Prince’s Trust, Rathbone, Skills - Third Sector, London Learning Consortium, St John Ambulance, VISTA and VSNW. Fair Train is being co- ordinated by Rathbone.ACEVOAction for ChildrenBarnardo’sEnableLearning CurveNACRONAVCA NCVONorth Warwickshire and Hinckley CollegeThe Prince’s TrustRathbone, Skills - Third SectorLondon Learning Consortium St John AmbulanceVISTAVSNWRathbone
Purpose Increase the involvement and capacity of third sector employers with apprenticeships Raise the profile of those already involved and share good practice Address workforce planning issues facing the sector Contribute to providing young people with valuable and cutting-edge work experiences
Become a Fair Train member 1.Complete the form 2.Hand in to Nick 3.Enjoy the benefits 4.For further information
Employers join Fair Train for free Employers can join Fair Train now If you are a third sector organisation, employing one or more staff and have an interest in apprenticeships then you can join Fair Train. There is no charge to join. As an employer member you will: –Receive the Fair Train Employer Induction Pack that describes how to offer apprenticeships –Be kept up to date with developments on apprenticeships in the sector, including the new frameworks being developed by Skills - Third SectorSkills - Third Sector –Be able to access government funding to train apprentices in your organisation –Have access to Fair Train and its approved providers for guidance and for training –Receive a monthly electronic newsletter about apprenticeships in the sector. By joining you are under no obligation to offer apprenticeships in your organisation – but we hope that you will want to. You can resign as a member at any time – but we don’t think that you will want to.
Work place learning contract Jeff Roots