1 Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion Roberta Hewson
The Aboriginal Human Resource Council specializes in HR services, tools and strategies to help companies recruit, retain and advance an Aboriginal workforce. Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion is a program that was developed by and for corporate Canada. Leading companies took part in the ‘Networks of Change’ initiative to provide hands-on & proven successful HR processes. 2 Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion
The “culture” of a workplace that attracts, engages, and advances Aboriginal talent. When a successful collection of HR policies, practices and training are combined with positive human behaviour, results are an inclusive workplace where Aboriginal people can advance to their full potential. 3 Definition of Aboriginal Inclusion
Constitution of Canada (1982) people identifying as “Aboriginal” are made up of: – First Nations – Inuit, and – Métis 4 Who Are “Aboriginal People”?
Original inhabitants had diverse lifestyles in independent societies. The relationship between First Nations and European peoples in Canada began as one of mutual benefit and cooperation. Each First Nation has its own unique historical background, culture and political goals. 698,025 FN people, 633 bands representing 52 Nations and 60 distinct languages (2006 Census). 5 History of First Nations
Inhabitants of the North American Arctic. North Atlantic whaling industry brought goods and disease. By 1915 fur trade encompassed the Arctic. By mid 1960’s nearly all Inuit had been moved to permanent settlements. New territory called “Nunavut” proclaimed on April 1, Population 50,485 (2006 Census) 6 History of Inuit
Became a distinct culture in early 1800’s. “Country born” & “Red River Métis”. Largely based in Western Canada. 8 Métis Settlements in Alberta. Population 389,785 (2006 Census). 7 History of Métis
Cultural – Prohibited from cultural expressions. Economic – Not permitted economic development. Social – Example: Aboriginal war veterans not permitted into Canadian Legion. Political – Could not vote until Aboriginal Historical Exclusion
An Employers Roadmap:, Moving from Exclusion to Inclusion: Building a welcoming workplace for Aboriginal talent 9 The Inclusion Continuum
INCLUSION Inclusion is fully embraced as the cultural norm INTEGRATION Inclusion as a catalyst for growth INCUBATION Inclusion nurtured as a core competency INITIATION Inclusion as a business imperative IMAGE Inclusion as public relations INTIMIDATION Inclusion as forced compliance INDIFFERENCE Inclusion is not on the radar screen The Inclusion Continuum
11 Stage 1: Indifference Main featureDenial that Inclusion is an issue Attitude“You don’t like it here, go somewhere else!” CharacteristicsEmployee morale is not highly valued. Discrimination, harassment and intolerance go unchallenged. Low level or no awareness of diversity issues. Negative stereotypes prevail
12 Stage 2: Intimidation Main featureThe organization is reacting to external pressure to move towards diversity/inclusion practices. Attitude Begrudging. Containing discrimination rather than encouraging diversity. Characteristics The bare minimum of Inclusion. Policies are applied, keeping discrimination charges at bay.
13 Stage 3: Image Main featureMotivated by external attention and recognition generated by practices of Inclusion. AttitudeShowcases token employees. CharacteristicsInclusion efforts are an extension of corporate PR rather than corporate HR.
14 Stage 4: Initiation Main featureA change agent initiates a fundamental shift towards Aboriginal Inclusion as a business case. Attitude Increasingly, managers are motivated to learn what is needed to effect change. Change agents are not all alone, but find they have friends, often in very high places. An organization becomes increasingly committed to change. CharacteristicsThe organization is awakening to the prospect of true Inclusion.
15 Stage 5: Incubation Main featureThe highest executive and the board of directors have committed the organization to growing a culture of Aboriginal Inclusion. Attitude A respect and understanding of the Aboriginal world view. Sensitive to diversity issues. Characteristics Internal commitment to Inclusion. Aboriginal Inclusion is a strategic path to organizational growth.
16 Stage 6: Integration Main featureOrganizational goals and Aboriginal Inclusion goals are linked together. Attitude Strong commitment to Inclusion. Aboriginal world views help shape corporate vision. Characteristics Inclusion is a corporate competency. The performance of managers is measured partly by their handling of issues of Aboriginal Inclusion.
17 Stage 7: Inclusion Main featureInclusion as a keystone of corporate identity. Attitude Total commitment to Inclusion throughout the organization. A leadership commitment to introduce other organizations to the benefits of Aboriginal Inclusion Characteristics Commitment to continuous improvement regarding Aboriginal Inclusion. Aboriginal employees found at every level of the organization.
18 8 Ways to Seek Aboriginal Candidates Recruitment Strategies
Aboriginal Employment Organizations. Aboriginal media. Aboriginal job boards. Career and hiring fairs. Aboriginal employee networking. Consultation with liaison officers at colleges. and universities. Executive searches. Fax out services Ways to Seek Aboriginal Candidates
Approximately 80 Aboriginal HR Agreement Holders (AHRDA) & hundreds of local offices. Note: April 2010 new strategy name “ASETS”. Many prepare and can refer candidates for training and work opportunities. Partnership initiatives with employers. (Home Page-Topics-Aboriginal Canadians). Workforce Connex: aboriginalhr.caaboriginalhr.ca Working with Aboriginal Employment Organizations
Access regional Aboriginal newspapers at : - Windspeaker (National) - Saskatchewan Sage - Ontario Birchbark - Alberta Sweetgrass - Raven’s Eye - Buffalo Spirit Native Journal ( First Perspective. ( Nationtalk ( Say Magazine ( Aboriginal Media
Inclusion Network Aboriginal Job Boards
Job fairs. Aboriginal career/job fairs. – Blueprint for the Future – Friendship Centres Aboriginal National Recruitment Fair. – Inclusion Works 2011 Montreal May, Career & Job Fairs
Create networks by: Sharing skilled candidates Speaking to other recruitment specialists Consulting Aboriginal and Northern Affairs provincial websites Building relationships with local Aboriginal communities Recruiting Networks
Contact the Aboriginal Student Centre on campus. Share recruitment process & what to expect. Provide resume writing seminars & conduct mock interviews. Invite students to site visits. Provide summer jobs/internships. Provide educational completion awards. Attend or support Aboriginal ceremonies & graduations Colleges & Universities
Executive Search Companies Executive Search Companies
Fax Out Services – Aboriginal Link is owned by Competitive Edge Fax-out Service
Thank You Aboriginal Human Resource Council TF Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion