CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University 1 Same Train, Different Compartments: the EES and Structural Fund Programmes in the Regions Dr Tony Gore CRESR Sheffield Hallam University This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
2CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Introduction Current research on implementation of Structural Fund programmes Current research on implementation of Structural Fund programmes Role of EES within them, and contribution to its aims and objectives Role of EES within them, and contribution to its aims and objectives Building on previous work on Programme development and content Building on previous work on Programme development and content Evidence from documents, plus some primary research Evidence from documents, plus some primary research
3CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Policy Background ●European Employment Strategy - EU/national levels - annual revision, now DG E & SA ●Structural Funds - EU/regional levels (mostly) ; ; DGs Regio; E & SA; Agriculture
4CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Future Cohesion Policy ●SF Guidelines for need for 'better integration of Lisbon priorities into regional dev't programmes - GLs on employment and HR to be the same as those of the EES ●"New Start for the Lisbon Strategy" - key importance of 'mobilising EU expenditure programmes behind the LS, esp. the SFs - clear message to MSs and regional actors on the contribution expected re. growth and jobs
5CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Evidence on EES-SF Linkages (1) Annual Joint Employment Reports ●Persistent call for better integration of ESF into EES at national & regional levels ●ESF a key input into developing active LM policies in southern MSs; supporting innovative actions in Finland & Sweden ●Mainly related to 'Employability' Pillar ●ERDF/EAGGF seldom mentioned ●Recommendations Involving SFs: 3; 2 country-specific (2003), 1 general (2004)
6CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Evidence on EES-SF Linkages (2) Evaluation of First Five Years of EES ●Link between EES policies and ESF funding unclear – more transparency required ●Need to make contribution of ESF and other SFs more visible in the NAPs ●Local and regional actors now more involved in employment policy, often via ESF projects ●Funding streams more critical in getting EU policies to reach these levels than the 'policy track'
7CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Evidence on EES-SF Linkages (3) Reports on Economic & Social Cohesion ●ESF seen as 'main financial instrument underpinning the EES at national level' ●Focus on SF Programme activity aimed at increasing employment and improving job quality ●Acknowledges unconformities between EES Pillars and ESF policy fields ●Call for closer alignment for Programmes – employment a key feature in meeting challenges posed by enlargement
8CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Evidence on EES-SF Linkages (4) SF Programmes: Mid-Term Evaluations ●Review of Programmes in UK and Ireland ●Very limited coverage of EES in the reports ●Majority either make no reference or just include it as policy context (56% UK; 67% I) ●Most of rest just compare Programme Documents with EES GLs (31% UK; 33% I) ●Only 2 in UK attempt more detailed analysis of action/projects/funding
9CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Evidence on EES-SF Linkages (5) SF Programmes: Mid-Term Evaluations (cont'd) ●Several MTEs point to low awareness of EES and even NAP amongst local & regional actors ●Few that did know thought that SF Programme was being implemented in isolation from them ●Co-financing Plans not always consistent with NAPs as a result – 'additionality' question ●Comments on different policy cycles: 'tension'; 'lack of coherence'; 'policy vacuum'
10CRESR - Sheffield Hallam University Key Issues at the Regional Scale ●Communication between levels – methods, content, terminology ●Co-ordination of action across policy spheres and funding streams ●BUT: Focus on new accession countries; reduced resources for most regions