Comedy: Definition Funny play, movie, or book: a play, movie, or book depicting amusing events Comic genre: comic works considered as a literary genre Comic entertainment: entertainment that is amusing A dramatic work that is often light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.
Comedy: Movies Designed to elicit laughter from the audience Provoke enjoyment Typically: Humorously exaggerates the situation, language, action, and characters Observe deficiencies and frustrations of life Provides merriment and momentary escape from day-day life
Types of Comedies: Slapstick Predominant in early silent films No need for sound! Aggressive, physical, and VISUAL action = Universal Pie in the face, pants falling down, people falling down Requires exquisite timing and amazing performance skills Think: Three Stooges
Types of Comedies: Screwball Combine farce, slapstick, and witty dialogue Light-hearted, sometimes romantic Wacky characters, visual gags, improbable and fast- paced plots, one liners, sexual tension (often times, a couple is involved)
Type of Comedies: Black/Dark Comedies Dark, sarcastic, humorous Think: Serious, but funny. There is a message there, somewhere. Deal with more serious topics Pessimistic War, death, illness
Type of Comedies: Parody/Spoof Mimics SOMETHING Humorous or Anarchic Take-off that ridicules, impersonates, scoffs at….. People, Beliefs, Ideas, Events, Other Movies… Often times, the parody itself is the message.
Type of Comedies: Romantic Comedies Don’t Call It a Comeback But they did. In the 80s-90s, romantic comedies came back in full force (Thank you Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Billy Crystal…) An element of the romantic comedy can be seen in almost all comedy films Main plot involves a romantic relationship
1 st Comedy Ferris Bueller’s Day Off The Assessment Evaluate the movie as a comedy. Analyze characters, relationships, and the main themes. Evaluate the claims of the critics.
Claims of the Critics “Film critics of a left-liberal persuasion have derided the film as inane and dangerously unprincipled because it allegedly glamorizes behavior such as deceit, manipulation, and self-centeredness.” Think: In your own words, what are the critics claiming? How dangerous is a movie like that to our society/youth? Do you agree/disagree with them?
Characterization 1 st : Word To Describe 2 nd : Specific Scene to Back Up Word Explanation of word and quote. John Doe Clever He agreed to a plea, knowing that Mills would play the role of wrath and murder him. Therefore, John Doe never had to serve any time. John Doe was extremely clever in the way he created his 7 deadly sins plot. He knew human nature well enough to know how Mills would play his wrath role and Doe put a great deal of time, effort, and thought into creating his masterpiece.
Themes Identity Rebellion Friendship OUR FOCUS: FRIENDSHIP
Friendship What are the three most important qualities in a friend? Explain them.
Friendship In one complete paragraph, describe the perfect friendship?
Friendship What is an unhealthy friendship? Are unhealthy friendships a problem in our society? With the youth of today?
Friendship Which is better: One amazing friend or fifteen mediocre friends?
Friendship Do you believe that you will keep the same friends after you graduate from high school? Explain your answer. What are some reasons people may not remain friends with the same people from their youth? EXPLAIN. What is typical in our society? Friends for life? EXPLAIN.