What does it mean to tell stories? Why are stories so important to us? How do different media present stories? And what happens when artists, writers and filmmakers shift away from narrative and try to do something other than tell a story? The courses in this theme will explore these questions.
Themes in General Education are Designed to: assist students in making systematic and deliberate connections between the ways various disciplinary perspectives address the same topic. provide a framework for faculty in different departments to collaborate on research projects and share innovative teaching strategies. encourage students to explore areas of specific interest at a deeper level.
ENG 2170 – Introduction to Film 3 hours A critical examination of notable examples of the filmmaker’s art from silent movies up to the modern era, including a variety of film genres and including both American and foreign films.
FL 2025 – Literature in Translation 3 hours Literary Studies Designation A study of various literatures in translation, from the medieval through the modern period, focusing on the language and culture areas featured in departmental offerings. Course content will vary and may concentrate on poetry, fiction, drama, or a combination.
PHL 1502 – Everyday Philosophy: Aesthetic Perspective 3 hours An introduction to special problems, topics, or issues in philosophy from aesthetic perspectives. The subject matter of this course will vary.
REL 2020 – Biblical Literature: The New Testament 3 hours Literary Studies Designation An analysis of early Christian literature as the product of the lives of the first followers of Jesus Christ. Students will have the opportunity to examine selected documents in terms of their literary structure, audience, historical context, religious perspective, and their relation to the broader Christian community and Western culture.
THR 2005 – Page and Stage 3 hours Fine Arts Designation In this class, students will have the opportunity to learn techniques for analyzing and interpreting written dramatic texts and theatrical performances. They will analyze and interpret plays of different styles from various historical periods, with particular attention to the unique characteristics of drama as a medium for telling stories.
THR 2610 – Oral Interpretation 3 hours Fine Arts Designation An introduction to the study of literature through the medium of performance. The student is expected to master techniques of literary selection and analysis and to perform from poetry, prose and dramatic literature.