Opening Activity – 10 minutes Make a list of technological advances introduced in the past 20 to 30 years WRITING PROMPT: What do you consider the most important advances in technology? WHY are these advances important? W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Early Twentieth-Century Social, Economic, and Technological Innovations STANDARD USII.6a And STANDARD USII.6b W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Standard(s) of Learning USII.1The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship, including the ability to a)analyze and interpret primary and secondary source documents to increase understanding of events and life in United States history from 1865 to the present; b)make connections between the past and the present; c)sequence events in United States history from 1865 to the present; d)interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives; f)analyze and interpret maps that include major physical features. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Standard(s) of Learning USII.6The student will demonstrate knowledge of the social, economic, and technological changes of the early twentieth century by: a)explaining how developments in factory and labor productivity, transportation (including the use of the automobile), communication, and rural electrification changed American life and standard of living; b)describing the social and economic changes that took place, including prohibition and the Great Migration north and west; c)examining art, literature, and music from the 1920s and 1930s, with emphasis on Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington, Georgia O’Keeffe, and the Harlem Renaissance. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
STANDARD USII.6a Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Results of improved transportation brought about by affordable automobiles Greater mobility Creation of jobs Growth of transportation-related industries (road construction, oil, steel, auto) Movement to suburban areas W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Airplanes! Invention of the airplane The Wright brothers Kitty Hawk, North Carolina ▫On December 17, 1903 Wright brothers made the first successful experiment in which a machine (aka airplane) carrying a man rose by its own power, flew naturally and at even speed, and descended without damage. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Henry Ford Use of the assembly line Henry Ford, automobile Rise of mechanization Henry Ford did not invent the car; he produced an automobile that was within the economic reach of the average American. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Henry Ford Ford steadily reduced the cost of the Model T. ▫Instead of pocketing the profits, Ford lowered the price of his car. ▫ As a result, Ford Motors sold more cars and steadily increased its earnings - transforming the automobile from a luxury toy to a mainstay of American society. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
The assembly line The assembly line developed by the Ford Motor Company between 1908 and 1915 ▫This made assembly lines famous in the following decade through the social ramifications of mass production. the affordability of the Ford Model T introduction of high wages for Ford workers. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Communication Changes Increased availability of telephones ▫You could call more places/people all the time! Development of the radio and broadcast industry. ▫KDKA Pittsburg was the 1 st commercial station in USA Development of the movies ▫Silent films ▫“Talkies” ▫Inexpensive day of entertainment W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Electricity Changes Life in America Labor-saving products (e.g., washing machines, electric stoves, water pumps) ▫Less cost to family No more buying coal to heat house Environment improves W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Electricity Changes Life in America Electric lighting Reduced need For candles, also Cheaper! W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Electricity Changes Life in America Entertainment (e.g., radio) Improved communications W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Electricity Changes Life in America Entertainment (e.g., radio) W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Communication Changes The first major use of radio was for navigation ▫reduced the isolation of ships ▫Initially limited to Morse code transmissions ▫After the 1912 sinking of the Titanic highlighted the value of radio to ocean vessels. Changed in 1920 – WKDKA in Pittsburg ▫1 st Commercial Radio station ▫Radio ads ▫Radio shows – the Shadow, plays, concerts W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
STANDARD USII.6b The student will demonstrate knowledge of the social, economic, and technological changes of the early twentieth century by b)describing the social and economic changes that took place, including prohibition and the Great Migration north and west. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Prohibition Prohibition was imposed by a constitutional amendment that made it illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell alcoholic beverages. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Results of Prohibition Speakeasies were created as places for people to drink illegal alcoholic beverages. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Results of Prohibition Bootleggers made and smuggled alcohol illegally and promoted organized crime. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Results of Prohibition Repealed by the 21st Amendment. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Great Migration North and West Jobs for African Americans in the South were scarce and low paying. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Great Migration North and West African Americans faced discrimination and violence in the South. African Americans moved to cities in the North and Midwest in search of better employment opportunities. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Great Migration North and West African Americans also faced discrimination and violence in the North and Midwest. W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Are There Any questions? W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School
Homework What would be the 10 main reasons you and your family would move from Brunswick county to a large city in the north ? W.L. Rogers - James Solomon Russell Middle School