1 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna A. Fanfani University of Bologna MC Production System & DM catalogue
2 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Production System Overview ProdRequest ProdMgr ProdAgent LCG/EGEE Resource OSG Resource User Request Get Work Jobs Report Progress User Interface to create requests Manage request Allocate work to PA when PA request it Tracks the global completion of the task Ask for work Convert work into processing jobs Create, submit, track jobs Manage the merge, failures, resubmit, local cataloguing, etc.. ProdMgr ProdRequest Under High development Basic chain PR PM PA works ProdAgent In production since the summer Aim at automating as much as possible, easy maintenance Various Grid/batch Middleware to support
3 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna ProdAgent Processing Workflow ProdAgent Grid WMS Tier-2 Tier-1 Tier-2 Processing Processing jobs sent to sites Output data left in local SE Report back to ProdAgent Data management cataloguing (registration in local DBS/DLS) Failed jobs handled automatically Small output file from Processing job SE Local DBS/DLS
4 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna ProdAgent Merge Workflow ProdAgent Grid WMS Tier-2 Tier-1 Tier-2 Merging Large output file from Merge job SE PhEDEx PhEDEx transfer invoked by PA Merge data at site Watch DBS/DLS for produced unmerged data send merge job at sites hosting data Transfer data PhEDEx injection Local DBS/DLS
5 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna ProdAgent Architecture Core MySQL DataBase Python API Core Services Work split into atomic Python Components Asynchronous Publish/Subscribe model for inter-component communications Simple API to communicate between components easy to add new functionality and build on existing features Persistent state recorded in DB ProdAgent core
6 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Production Agent components ProdAgent Core DBS/DLS interface PhEDEx interface Job Tracking Job Creator Local DBS Local DLS PHEDEX BOSS DB BOSS submit Merge Sensor watchs LCG RB/gLite WMS ProdMgr interface Job Submitter Job Cleanup Error handler Retrieve work Job Queue Resource Monitor workflow Merge Accountant
7 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Monitoring status of each component Status of each component overview of the current job status Overview of current job status mc-physval-120-ZToMuMu-StartUpLumiPU PA level monitoring for operators (developed by Bari team + Carlos)
8 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Prod system Status & Plan ProdAgent implemented and deployed operationally since summer CSA06 pre-production of 66Mevents + organized skimming run at Tier1s PhysVal+HLT samples with CMSSW12x, see Nicolas talk Focus is now on automation to reduce manual work for operators i.e. automatic block management and PhEDEX injections and on performance to make it more scalable, more robust Bulk creation & bulk submission with gLite (with LCG RB 2000jobs/day per PA) Deployment of ProdRequest/ProdMgr/ProdAgent system The production teams will no longer have to inject workflows taking them from Twiki pages The production coordinator will assign work to teams with given priority via ProdManager DBS-2 integration Alpgen integration True collaborative development effort: Dave Evans, Frank Van Lingen, Giulio Eulisse (US) Carlos Kavka, Alessandra Fanfani, William Bacchi,Giuseppe Codispoti, contribution from Bari team (IT)
9 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Data Management catalogues: DBS The Dataset Bookkeeping System (DBS) provides the means to define, discover and use CMS event data First version deployed for CSA06, including data discovery browser Development for 2nd generation (DBS-2) Prepare the system for describing real data Added info like run, luminosity sections, primary dataset description Preliminary support for Analysis dataset A subset of a Processed Dataset representing a coherent sample for physics analysis More functionalities for browsing data discovery Deployable with Oracle at CERN for Global DBS Deployable with MySQL too to be used as local scope DBS Under integration with CRAB, ProdAgent, PhEDEx, MTCC data
10 14 Feb 2007 CMS Italia – Napoli A. Fanfani Univ. Bologna Data Management catalogues: DLS The Data Location Service (DLS) provides the means to locate replicas of data in the distributed computing system The DBS knows how datasets are organized in term of file-blocks The Data Location Service (DLS) maps file-blocks to storage elements (SEs) DLS based on LCG LFC used for CSA06: some drawbacks (performance issues for reverse lookup, i.e. data discovery), some advantages (production service mantained by LCG, VOMS authentication-authorization, DLI) No server-side work needed by CMS Serving us right so far Evaluating to have DLS on the same server as DBS Decide based on CMS use case Still keeping DLS API functionalities Add support for the Resource Broker to talk to directly (via DLI)