Duty to promote community cohesion MoreTimeForLearning (MTFL) Maria Landy
You need to download and read “Inspecting maintained School’s duty to promote community cohesion; guidance for inspectors” “Inspecting maintained School’s duty to promote community cohesion; guidance for inspectors” published September 2008 – OfSTED website. published September 2008 – OfSTED website. (especially pages 8 & 9)
What is community cohesion? A society in which there is :- A society in which there is :- A common vision A common vision A sense of belonging by all communities A sense of belonging by all communities Diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances that is appreciated and valued Diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances that is appreciated and valued Similar life opportunities are available to all Similar life opportunities are available to all Strong and positive relationships exist in the workplace, schools and wider community Strong and positive relationships exist in the workplace, schools and wider community
Community has a number of dimensions including School community School community Community in which the school is located Community in which the school is located UK community UK community European community European community Global community Global community
3 Main headings Teaching, learning and curriculum Teaching, learning and curriculum Equity and excellence Equity and excellence Engagement and extended services Engagement and extended services
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Helping to :- Understand others Understand others Value diversity whilst also promoting shared values Value diversity whilst also promoting shared values Promote awareness of human rights and to apply and defend them Promote awareness of human rights and to apply and defend them Develop skills or preparation and responsible action – e.g. the new “identity and diversity, living together in the UK, shared with citizen education Develop skills or preparation and responsible action – e.g. the new “identity and diversity, living together in the UK, shared with citizen education
Equity and Excellence Ensure equal opportunities for all to succeed at the highest level possible Ensure equal opportunities for all to succeed at the highest level possible Striving to remove barriers to access and participation in learning and wider activities Striving to remove barriers to access and participation in learning and wider activities Working to eliminate variations in outcomes for different groups Working to eliminate variations in outcomes for different groups
Engagement and extended services To provide reasonable means for children, young people, their friends and families to interact with people from different backgrounds and build positive relations including:- To provide reasonable means for children, young people, their friends and families to interact with people from different backgrounds and build positive relations including:- Links with different schools and communities Links with different schools and communities Provision of extended services Provision of extended services Opportunities to take part in activities and receive services which build positive interaction and achievements for all groups for :-pupils, families and the wider community. Opportunities to take part in activities and receive services which build positive interaction and achievements for all groups for :-pupils, families and the wider community.
What you need to do Be ready to show and tell well Be ready to show and tell well Train staff, Governors, Stakeholders Train staff, Governors, Stakeholders Build into your Equal Opportunities - respect for all policies – (see example useful info section of Build into your Equal Opportunities - respect for all policies – (see example useful info section of
How to display evidence of Community Cohesion Ensure it shines from your walls – use display and label them well – make explicit Ensure it shines from your walls – use display and label them well – make explicit Gather the photos – audit/ list Gather the photos – audit/ list With staff under these 5 headingsWith staff under these 5 headings In schoolIn school LocallyLocally NationallyNationally EuropeanEuropean and Globallyand Globally Build a shared ongoing awareness! Build a shared ongoing awareness!
Plan it in, observe it, show it off! Add a section on long, medium and short term curriculum plans Add a section on long, medium and short term curriculum plans Add it into lesson observations forms Add it into lesson observations forms Use OfSTED criteria (pages 8 & 9) when judging lessons Use OfSTED criteria (pages 8 & 9) when judging lessons Extend and promote opportunities across the curriculum – all try! Extend and promote opportunities across the curriculum – all try!
Promote across the curriculum Especially:- English (texts) Geography, RE, PSHCE/PHSE & C, DT (food), Art, Music, Drama, MFL, PE, Science, Maths, History English (texts) Geography, RE, PSHCE/PHSE & C, DT (food), Art, Music, Drama, MFL, PE, Science, Maths, History Think of and share examples Think of and share examples
Community Cohesion Action Plan CPD- train all – raise awareness CPD- train all – raise awareness Policy to promote and report Policy to promote and report Audit / List together (in 5 areas) Audit / List together (in 5 areas) Observe formally Observe formally Plan into your curriculum Plan into your curriculum Display, Label, Celebrate Display, Label, Celebrate Plan a community cohesion celebration theme event, day, topic, week! ENJOY! Plan a community cohesion celebration theme event, day, topic, week! ENJOY!