Braveheart Braveheart recruits and trains volunteer mentors to run self-help groups for people who suffer angina or have had a heart attack. Aims: To increase knowledge about angina and heart attack to achieve a healthy lifestyle To increase information and guidance to make changes in lifestyle to improve well being To help individuals be more able to make informed choices about prevention To give greater independence and well-being in the community and reduce likelihood of admission into hospital
Self help groups: Between 8 – 12 participants per group Meet once every three weeks for two hours meetings lasting 12 months Lead by two trained lay health mentors Groups provide An opportunity to discuss subjects relating to heart disease relevant to those taking part and An opportunity for members to share experiences, considering new ideas on how to reduce further visits to the hospital
Core Programme - Education about diagnosis Compliance with medical advice Diet –healthy eating Alcohol Value of exercise/activity Smoking Stress and relaxation Adapting to change Self management Benefits agency
Braveheart Health Mentors Recruited from the 40 + age group Possible advantages to group members from volunteers are: Mentors may have experienced similar problems The volunteers through their age can serve as a positive role model Volunteer mentors can also inform the group of expanding support systems by making groups aware of community resources.
Mentor training involved 30 hours – initial training with Cardiac Rehabilitation Sister Pharmacy Department Dietetic Department Forth Valley Health Promotion Department Smoking Cessation Nurse Health Mentors Braveheart Coordinator
Training continues every year A total of 12 hours which includes: Cardiac resuscitation Diet updates including alcohol Bereavement Stress/Relaxation Infection control Falls Prevention/ Osteoporosis Benefits Agency Smoking Diabetes New topics to be addressed HRT & Sexual Dysfunction
The Braveheart Project Set up in 1996 as an Ageing Well Demonstration Project Few studies had examined the effects and feasibility of volunteer mentors engaging with their peers to discuss cardiovascular risk factors. This study showed that using volunteer lay health mentors was: feasible practical safe positively influenced diet, physical activity and health resource utilisation in older people with ischaemic heart disease.
Research A Randomised Controlled Trial Of Senior Lay Health Mentoring in Older People with Ischaemic Heart Disease: The Braveheart Project Published in Age and Ageing Vol. 33 No. 4 British Geriatrics Society 2004; all rights reserved A Randomised Controlled Trial Of Senior Lay Health Mentoring to influence diet in older patients with Coronary Heart Disease: The Braveheart Project The Braveheart Story From Coronary Heart Disease to Empowerment Research articles available to download from
Qualitative interviews….. It was noted that: 73% of participants thought that the experience was excellent or very good with only 3% unfavourable comments 77% considered that as well as changing their outlook on life, the Braveheart experience actually changed their behaviour over time 57% felt more confident in questioning treatment and more able and inclined to ask questions, more in contact with GP’s, Hospital doctors, nurses and Pharmacists. 93% considered the Braveheart experience was a good one and 90% considered that their lay mentors could not have improved their performance.
After the research – since 2002 Funded till March 2006 (NOF) Charitable status Referrals now made by GP’s, Practice/District Nurses, Health visitors and staff within FDRI 19 self help groups set up between 2003 and Volunteer Health Mentors & 7 Walk Leaders were recruited and trained Braveheart Plus
Programme rolled out to Kincardine and Clackmannan Publication of results in professional journal Braveheart - The Way Ahead – seminar Additional funding sought for Paths to Health programme
What lies ahead in 2005 ? Increase referrals from Primary Care Staff 24 groups planned Recruit & train another 8 health mentors & 4 walk leaders Investigate further funding for 2006 Evaluate all groups and training Healthy Living Event Set up a health walk programme specifically for Braveheart participants Research & coordinate self help walking pack
Braveheart Partners Scottish Executive NHS Forth Valley Big Lottery Fund NHS Health Scotland Merck, Sharp & Dohme Age Concern, Ageing Well UK Falkirk Council Volunteer Mentors & Walk Leaders Coordinator Patients, family & friends Voluntary Agencies e.g. CVS
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