Research Student Development Programme and the ePortfolio Dr. Richy Hetherington
Training and Development - history
National Changes Number of research students has increased Full time academic positions have not Data from & Vitae HEI full time Academic staff 99/00 113,790 11/12 117, % Doctoral Graduates work in HE research 6 months after graduation, 19% after 3.5 years
A changing employer environment Competency Frameworks Appraisal and feedback Performance Management Self Assessment
Roberts Report 2002 “Many employers do not initially pay those with PhDs any more than they would a new graduate, viewing the training (particularly in transferable skills) that PhD students receive as inadequate preparation for careers in business R&D.” “Institutions are not adapting quickly enough to the needs of industry”
Research council Joint Skills statement (A)Research Skills and Techniques: validate problems, critical thinking, a knowledge of recent advances (B) Research Environment: broad understanding of context,. confidentiality, ethics commercial exploitation of research (C) Research Management: effective project management (D) Personal Effectiveness: self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness (E) Communication Skills: promoting the public understanding (F) Networking and Teamworking: In the institution and the wider research community (G) Career Management: Commitment to continued professional development
Researcher Development Framework RDF Headings A1 Knowledge base A2 Cognitive abilities A3 Creativity B1 Personal qualities B2 Self management B3 Professional & career development C1 Professional conduct C2 Research management C3 Finance, funding & resources D1 Working with others D2 Communication & dissemination D3 Engagement & impact
Now a Requirement Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) requirement for all UK research degrees Funders expectations BBSRC, MRC have skills requirements National and International competition to provide good quality training (part of the prospectus)
Development Programme Goals Helping researchers be more effective Aiding timely progression and thesis completion Improving research outcomes & therefore academic career prospects Develop researchers’ broad range of skills so options outside of research are available Improve confidence in skills gained and their use in a variety of roles
Research Student Development Programme
Electronic booking system Appropriate staffing Monitoring Evaluation Accommodate Changes Additions
Development Programme Timetable In total over 100 hours of training development offered each year Excluding safety training first year Phd has 5 compulsory sessions totalling 7.5 hours There is one compulsory sessions per year, a professional approach is expected RCUK expects students to undertake 2 weeks (80 hours) a year on skills development
Selection of Evaluation Results WorkshopFacilitator %good/ very good %poor Average Score Attendees 2012/13 Grant Writing: Travel Grants Dr Gwen Averley Mrs Alicia Cresswell 80%0%4.810 (5) Writing Your First Year Report Prof John Kirby 96%4%4.581 (25) Careers Outside of Research Dr Lorna Dargan 74%0%4.423 (11) Systematic reviews - approaching the literature Erika Gavillet 100%0%4.87 (2) Writing a Literature Review Mrs Alicia Cresswell 100%0%4.951 (20) Personal Development Plan (PDP) Preparing for your Progress Review Panel Prof. Dianne Ford Dr. Lorna Dargan 100%0%4.681 (65) The Research Environment Dr Gwen Averley 57%0%411 (7) Presentation Skills using PowerPoint Mrs Sue Vescey 100%0%4.412 (7) Achieving Career Success Dr Lorna Dargan Prof. Deborah Henderson 100%0%4.86 (4) Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Dr Richy Hetherington Ms Erika Gavillet 85%0%4.421 (13) Introduction to IT Databases (Lecture) Mrs Rebecca McCready 100%0%4.66 (3)
Wider View Postgraduate conference FameLab 3 Minute Thesis Demonstrating and leading seminars Biotechnology YES Research Seminars Institute training Internships (PIPS)
The ePortfolio
eProgression instructions
Blog integrated with “My Skills”
Record meetings Students add attendees
Self Assessment/PDP
2011 PRES Results for FMS students How important are opportunities available for me to further develop my research skills 1% not important, 94% important How important are opportunities to develop a range of transferable skills 3% not important, 82% important
Development programme Impacts Timely progression and degree completion Good research outcomes (fewer thesis corrections, more publications) More public engagement and publicity for the research Building confidence: 97% said ‘Recording your Research’ session improved their awareness in project & time management
Good News
More Good News
Summary Supervisors have a responsibility to support researcher student’s development Development programme and ePortfolio are there to help with this and to support student’s research activity Benefits supervisors and the institution as well as the research students